Well-Known Member
Nice prose do you also write poetry?
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Trump's a moron
and Mojorising is too.
Not bad huh?
Nice prose do you also write poetry?
I figure we won't wait too long, this is a top priority story for the press and as soon as congress gets the documents, so will we. If it's true about Russian cosigners, it takes this sordid affair to whole new level and opens all doors to congress for investigation. It will be great to get Donald all pumped up and primed for impeachment, he will be going nuts trying to distract the media as soon as the documents hit the streets.I love how diaper boy doesn’t even try to argue that trump having Russian co signers is implausible
Only that it’s not verified
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Trump's a moron
and Mojorising is too.
Not bad huh?
Trump's legal arguments are nonexistent and the judges on the appeals panel were going through them like cobwebs and seemed poised to issue a court order for the production of the documents.You'll be waiting for months.
This whole thing is very old news. It's been sitting in litigation for months. That's not going to change anytime soon.
I believe I mentioned it was a single source story in my post, O'Donnell did too and stressed the fact. It's still more substantial than, "people are saying"..
The more I think about it the more I like Pelosi's approach to this mess, if the senate would convict, Trump would be a bad memory by now and howling at the walls of his supermax cell. But since the GOP won't convict him, the democrats might as well use his asshole for practice before beginning impeachment hearings.
They need to closely examine Trump's taxes, financial entanglements and business history with public hearings, the Deutsche Bank
documents will provide the ammo and cause lot's of witnesses to be called in, those Deutsche Bank executives for instance and Trump's bean counter Weisselberg would be a good start. Public hearings with wall to wall TV coverage, Donald will be freaking and continue to freak out, by the time they impeach him the fucker will be mentally and physically exhausted, dazed, confused and ready for a straight jacket. They'll drive more than a few Trumpers around the bend too before it's over.
Sure it is, when yer honest about the facts and sources from the beginning and tell people that its from a single source and is unverified.Ummmm it is more substantial then "people are saying"????? Because thats exactly what it is. A single source that didn't even see the records himself is saying its true and a major news org is running with it. Regardless of your opinion of Trump if you think that is responsible journalism you are delusional.
Not bad, not bad. Here I got one for you
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
Trump IS your president,
and I can't wait till term #2
Sure it is, when yer honest about the facts and sources from the beginning and tell people that it from a single source and is unverified.
Trump is stranger than fiction, everybody says ya can't make this shit up. It's not just, "People are saying" as Donald would say, there are documents, witnesses and facts. Money laundering cases for instance are mostly document based and are very easy for prosecutors to win with clear black letter law and a paper trail.This reads like bad twilight fan fiction.
Trump is stranger than fiction, everybody says ya can't make this shit up. It's not just, "People are saying" as Donald would say, there are documents, witnesses and facts. Money laundering cases for instance are mostly document based and are very easy for prosecutors to win with clear black letter law and a paper trail.
You know Trump is guilty in your heart, to the extent that you have one that is...
news flash genius: it's 2019. these were numbers posted in 2018 that were found to be fake news a year later. you can look it up on marketwatch if you are interested.
remember this? "my private investigators found the real birth certificate and are on their way back from Hawaii with it."
Patience, yer like Trump always living for the moment and never in it. We don't need to know these things in one news cycle, the documents will be forth coming, Deutsche Bank is a foreign corporation with an extensive criminal record of money laundering, they are running for cover and won't fight too hard.LOL what exactly were the "facts" in the story.......some single anonymous source that never even saw the documents directly. Thats a fact to you? WOW
It was the only lie I ever heard him tell, unlike Trump's ten thousand lies, biased much?
No maybe about it, read the Mueller report, not to mention he's already an unindicted co conspirator along with Micheal Cohen who is currently doing time for the crime, Trumps share of that would be a decade behind bars for directing the scheme (X 3 sentence for the boss).Maybe he is guilty, maybe he isn't anything is possible. I just reserve judgement until a see some evidence....like any evidence.....like a single shred of evidence. You guys are in a circle jerk about some dude said he heard from some other dude that Trump is dirty! Impeach him now!