Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them

Oh come on that was a little funny and you know it.

Because we are talking about illegal immigration and the impact it has on services offered to the poor and downtrodden who are citizens of this country.

The other thing is a choice I make because I believe its the right thing to do to offer alternative help to people who are experiencing great pain and suffering who without my help would be forced to get hooked on opioids by big pharma. The fact that you even bring this up in the manner you do reveals alot about the type of person you are.
“It’s ok for ME to commit felonies but if you come here legally seeking asylum, or seeking medical help legally under the “medical exception” then your kid has to die”

Do you see why you republicans can never actually get more votes than even hillary Clinton gets?
Oh come on that was a little funny and you know it.

Because we are talking about illegal immigration and the impact it has on services offered to the poor and downtrodden who are citizens of this country.

The other thing is a choice I make because I believe its the right thing to do to offer alternative help to people who are experiencing great pain and suffering who without my help would be forced to get hooked on opioids by big pharma. The fact that you even bring this up in the manner you do reveals alot about the type of person you are.
This is why you support mass child abuse and cruelty, your concern for the poor and downtrodden, you support Trump, crime, treason and cruelty because your compassionate, Jesus I've heard it all...
“It’s ok for ME to commit felonies but if you come here legally seeking asylum, or seeking medical help legally under the “medical exception” then your kid has to die”

Do you see why you republicans can never actually get more votes than even hillary Clinton gets?
Logic never got him here Buck, hate did,don't even bother he's completely full of shit.
Just another brainwashed racist all too happy to feel like his idiocy has been legitimized by, rather than exposed by, the criminal he supports so fanatically
Couldn't have said it better myself, they used to have enough sense to keep their mouths shut and keep it to themselves.
Just another brainwashed racist all too happy to feel like his idiocy has been legitimized by, rather than exposed by, the criminal he supports so fanatically

Couldn't have said it better myself, they used to have enough sense to keep their mouths shut and keep it to themselves.

Well you two certainly make a very compelling case. I'll look forward to the next false story about Trump from the MSM that gets you all hot and bothered and then is almost immediately debunked so we can do it all again. Stay woke fella's.
I guess you missed the part where he was forced to clarify his statements and clearly stated that the OLC guidelines on charging a sitting president did NOT play a part in the decision to not charge Trump.
I guess you missed the part where he answered a certain and resounding yes when asked if Donny could be charged with crimes after being evicted from the white house.
Well you two certainly make a very compelling case. I'll look forward to the next false story about Trump from the MSM that gets you all hot and bothered and then is almost immediately debunked so we can do it all again. Stay woke fella's.
Seeya around, don't forget yer Tiki torch on the way out... I'll revive the thread when other sources confirm the story, but the documents will warrant their own thread.
Well you two certainly make a very compelling case. I'll look forward to the next false story about Trump from the MSM that gets you all hot and bothered and then is almost immediately debunked so we can do it all again. Stay woke fella's.
I’m still waiting for you to rebut the fact that trump was named as an unindicted co conspirator in the federal felony for which his personal lawyer now sits in prison!
I’m still waiting for you to rebut the fact that trump was named as an unindicted co conspirator in the federal felony for which his personal lawyer now sits in prison!

I don't have to because he was never named as an unindicted co-conspirator. I don't think you understand the words you are using in this scenario and what they mean. So you should probably go back to calling people stupid for not agreeing with you.
I don't have to because he was never named as an unindicted co-conspirator. I don't think you understand the words you are using in this scenario and what they mean. So you should probably go back to calling people stupid for not agreeing with you.
Don't hide behind semantics, he was an unnamed co-conspirator, Individual #1 and he's looking at a decade in the slammer on that crime alone and it's a slam dunk, basically pre-proved case, based mostly on documents and Cohen's recording of Trump directing the operation. Mikey is in prison for it and willing to talk along with Donald's bean counter weasel face, not to mention Peckerhead of the National Inquirer who was part of the scheme.
Nah its more like the line of logic of: "Trump wasn't charged with any crimes, because there was no evidence to show he did commit crime" Its kind of the same standrad that all Americans should hope is applied.

You can keep parroting the misquote of Mueller about the OLC decision for as long as you want. But this thread is evidence of the type of "journalism" you guys buy into so it doesn't surprise me you still are repeating information debunked awhile ago.
Ten offenses documented in the Mueller report. You were too obsessed with looking up pictures of Trump's child-sex victims to read that. Just because you are deliberately ignorant doesn't mean he didn't obstruct justice. I can see why you'd like to forget about it. After all voting for a traitor who pretty much told you he was a traitor must be pretty embarrassing to you lawn order types.
I guess you missed the part where he was forced to clarify his statements and clearly stated that the OLC guidelines on charging a sitting president did NOT play a part in the decision to not charge Trump.

Rep. Ted Lieu, Democrat of California was who he had corrected a statement for, not Buck (R). That is the one he emphatically said 'yes' he has enough to charge Trump once he leaves office.

Not that it matters to a political troll like yourself.
I think you forgot to put the word "ILLEGAL" in front of "immigrants" in that article. Once we figure out how to take care of all the children in need of medical services in this country first then I might be open to diverting those services to people in this country illegally. But until that happens I feel we should take care and lookout for our fellow citizens first.

lmao, ok then vote out the Republicans who have been pushing the Wealthy White Male Only agenda for the last 50 years due to their "Southern Strategy". It has nothing to do with these people coming here to have a better life. We don't do a good job at taking care of people who are unable to fend for themselves. The people fleeing their countries violence to come here to make a better life are good for our economy and will make great citizens for generations to come.

No he was not, you are totally wrong on this statement.

Once again if this is such settled fact please show the transcripts where Mueller said this.
Why not just look at Michael Cohen's charging documents:

Pages 11-14 (ish) should cover it. Maybe note that 'individual-1' is Trump. You know the whole paying off Trump's porn star was a campaign violation.

Michigan is full of illegal immigrants, I would rather have them than most of the locals.... To pull the only working people out of Michigan is kinda crazy if you ask me. Just going to spike prices on the goods they are hired to produce. Why not go after the companies hiring the illegals if you don't want them here? Otherwise its like busting a hooker and letting the customer and pimp go free.
There is no reason to call these people that. Doing so dehumanizes them and is exactly what Trump is trying to do when he forced the agencies to adopt this shitty term.
I don't have to because he was never named as an unindicted co-conspirator. I don't think you understand the words you are using in this scenario and what they mean. So you should probably go back to calling people stupid for not agreeing with you.
Oh I get it, you know you are full of shit, and are reaching for technicalities to try to muddy the water with all the lies that POTUS and his goons push out.

Oh come on that was a little funny and you know it.

Because we are talking about illegal immigration and the impact it has on services offered to the poor and downtrodden who are citizens of this country.

The other thing is a choice I make because I believe its the right thing to do to offer alternative help to people who are experiencing great pain and suffering who without my help would be forced to get hooked on opioids by big pharma. The fact that you even bring this up in the manner you do reveals alot about the type of person you are.
So much bullshit you posted to wade through....

Immigrants pay the same taxes we all do — federal income tax, social security tax, Medicare tax, property tax, state income tax, sales tax, and so on. The taxes they pay help to cover federal and state services that benefit communities everywhere. In 2014, immigrants paid an estimated $328 billionin state, local, and federal taxes. Immigrants paid more than a quarter of all taxes in California, and they paid nearly a quarter of all taxes in New York and New Jersey.

The impact being that they add money to our society in the form of labor and tax payments? Immigrants use our systems less than our citizens too. So they pay into a system in far larger amounts than they take out.

It is sad that this might be the argument that you trolls get to stick. I have heard a lot of people repeat this lie that the immigrants are the cause for us not taking care of our population. It is not. I would start with maybe Reagan's shutting down of our mental facilities.