Devlove's 1000 Watt E&F Growlab Chocolope


Active Member
Hi Everybody this is my first run and I'm going to have a buddy helping me out every step of the way since he lives close by. My tent is right next to my bed and it will be vented right out a window (no I'm not worried about FLIR). All right I guess heres my setup...

-1000 watt light(hydrofarm ac hood)
-No name magnetic ballast (will switch to my prometheus digital once i get a 240 outlet installed)
-Active Air 8 inch fan 720 cfm
-GrowLab 145 4'9 x4'9x6'7
-Botanicare 4x4 tray
-Botanicare 50 Gallon Reservoir
-16 Chocolope clones from craigslist :grin:
-16 2 gallon Smart pots
-Submersible pump
-Air Pump
-Stealth 100 RO system
-Hanna HI9813 ph/ppm
-Various General Hydroponics Nutrients

I am planning on vegging them until they get about a foot high because they should double in size when flowering, right.

Also as you may notice in the pictures I have one of my stand that I think I'm going to have to cut down so I can have more distance from the light to the plants because right now it's on the tippy top and its three feet away from them, I wouldn't mind having the tray directly on my res if anyone thinks that might work.
My ebb and flow isn't rocking now because the ro is ridiculously slow-going(20 gallons in 12 hours) I guess because it's at 40 psi and I need to buy a booster pump to get at least 60 psi.

I would appreciate any advice as this is my first experience growing anything.

How do I take pics without the lines?


Well-Known Member
Hi Dev,

You've got a couple things to check on.......... The plants look really droopy, but its really hard to focus with those lines through the pictures. It might just be new clones they always look gross for a few days.

Try to get the temperature in your tent down 7 degrees (f) or so. When the plants get larger, it'll just get hotter, and 86(f) is too hot already.

For the RO water, dont worry about how long it takes as long as it does eventually fill it. 20 gallons in 12 hours doesnt really sound too slow, but I dont use RO water so others should chime in. (PPM 40 out of the tap, woohoo!)

On the proximity of the lights, you may have problems vegging clones under a 1000w lamp. Many people have problems. I dont for some reason, but its because my grow environment is huge and temperatures are extremely easy to control for me. The problem with the 1000w lamps with clones is that you get too hot, or its too MUCH light for the clones. You have to put the light about 30" above the clones for it to really work properly. As you raise lights, the amount of light each plant gets goes down because the light spreads further and further apart. Effectively, your wasting all the energy and creating excess heat by using something overpowered.

Your primary goal right now is ROOT development, rather than pretty green leaves. Those are important too, but if you have tall strong tops and nothing below them, you'll sacrifice a HUGE yield loss.

My recommendation to you is to buy a T5 Flouro, something around 100-300 watts total should be fine for your clones. You can use the 1kW lamps, but watch for the leaf tips curling up, that indicates too much light/heat.

Good luck!


Active Member
Thank you so much research kitty!
Right now the exhaust vent is going into the same bedroom where the tents are but today I will set it up so it goes outside.
Also I will probably get an intake fan in one of the vents to bring in good cold air?
I don't have much room to work with as the light is at the very top I hope to set it on the res or at least lower it a bit by cutting the stand down.
Does anybody know how close I can get the light once they grow a little? 2 feet? 16 inches? 18 inches?



Well-Known Member
You'd be fine with just a filter attached to a fan that exhausts the air from your lights out with no intake. The tent will pull a lot of air through its seams as it exhausts out anyhow.

You can keep the lights as close to the plants as you want, as long as you dont burn them. Put your hand under the light. Does it feel over 80(f)? If so, too close, go higher. Generally with 1000w lights you'll be within a 3-5 inches if everything is optimal.


Active Member
Was sick of seeing gnats so fogged today and I'm not afraid to go in my tent anymore it's great. Also I bought Go Gnats to put in my reservoir and it will hopefully kill all the larvae in my soilless pot. One of my girls was getting too tall so my buddy bent her over and she rests on her sisters.
I was rotating the plants and my arms got all sticky, I'm guessing from resin. Is this bad? Does it rob the plant of potency?
Thanks for replying!


Active Member
IMG_0101.jpg Mystery Plant that was included with my Chocolope clones sticks out like a sore thumb because it's Indica, kind of purplish leaves, I wonder what it is?

How are they looking, I would love some feedback, I noticed the leaves are slightly drooping and yellow but I assumed that's cause they are in the middle of flowering, any comments are appreciated.


Active Member
Hopefully I'm thinking I am going to finish these babies on july 14th anyone think different?

Cow Tea

Active Member
Yeah they look like they're gettin there. Hard to tell from the photos. If you shaded the plants when you take pictures it'll help remove those horizontal bars from the photos.


Active Member
I took the pictures with my iphone through my polarized ray-bans and it helped but tonight I will try to take it with shading.

Cow Tea

Active Member
Just make sure that the majority of what is in the frame is shaded. The camera's auto exposure usually either sets to what is in the middle of the frame, or the average of the whole frame.


Well-Known Member
Looking great. Try adjusting shutter speed on your camera - this usually does the trick for me.

I'm starting up a couple Chocolope myself and hope they do as well. I'll have to keep checking up on this one.

Bud Farmer

Well-Known Member
They look great to me. I'd say those plants would have been good for SCROG.

LOL, I can tell im stoned. This threads old. I'd say all that weed is smoked up by now.


Well-Known Member
They look great to me. I'd say those plants would have been good for SCROG.

LOL, I can tell im stoned. This threads old. I'd say all that weed is smoked up by now.
Next time you doubt bumping a year old thread and laugh about it in the post to begin with, perhaps just dont click reply? :) :)