Dezracer's Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. The SS and the WW plants took a pretty big hit with me Nute burning them and stuff so the leaves don't look good but the buds look great and I finally got to look at them with a scope last night. They're getting close but not ready yet. They both have a pretty good mix going on between clear, cloudy and amber trichs but there's not as many amber ones as I though there would be. The SS is definitely closer to finishing too, probably a week or less judging by other grows I've read here.


Well-Known Member
Here's some opics I took yesterday of the buds. Let me know what you guys think as far as i I should chop them now or wait longer. The first one is of one of the White Widow plants buds and the rest are of the Shiva Skunk's main cola. Like I said, the leaves got all F'd up by me messing up on the nutes. Sucks but live and learn, you know?



Well-Known Member
Wel I ran into someone today that I have known for years and who used to grow MJ. He checked out the plants and advised me to chop the Shiva Skunk now and chop the White Widow soon. He said if it were his he'd flush it with plain water tonight and chop it in a few days. I chopped and trimmed the Shiva Skunk plant just now and after trimming it weighed almost exactly 83grams including the branches. It will be interesting to see how much weight it loses while drying. It will also be interesting to see how much of the weight is branches.

Doesn't look like much but considering I've never grown before, I only vegged it for 8 days after getting it and it was grown under CFL for most of the grow, I'm happy with it. The White Widow will be less than this one for sure but the other 2 girls are getting big and will surely have nice yields.



Active Member
Wel I ran into someone today that I have known for years and who used to grow MJ. He checked out the plants and advised me to chop the Shiva Skunk now and chop the White Widow soon. He said if it were his he'd flush it with plain water tonight and chop it in a few days. I chopped and trimmed the Shiva Skunk plant just now and after trimming it weighed almost exactly 83grams including the branches. It will be interesting to see how much weight it loses while drying. It will also be interesting to see how much of the weight is branches.

Doesn't look like much but considering I've never grown before, I only vegged it for 8 days after getting it and it was grown under CFL for most of the grow, I'm happy with it. The White Widow will be less than this one for sure but the other 2 girls are getting big and will surely have nice yields.
Gr8, man!!! It's going to be -at least- an Oz. dry! kudos for your first grow, keep it up!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks trifase. I'm pretty happy with it and I flushed the WW plant before heading out last night like he said. Today it looks different already, crazy. All of the hairs have turned amber and curled back into the buds and it is so sticky that from just touching one of the buds to move it out from under a leaf from another plant I have been smelling bud on my hand for about an hour now. I washed them pretty good after too!

Going by that I'd say its done, maybe even overdue but going by the Trichs and by the rec flower period it isn't as done as it seems. I'l probably trim and hang it today though. I want to try to put it back in veg but I'm not sure it will work. I would like to get some new growth on it and take cuttings so I can try to grow a bigger and better WW plant.


Well-Known Member
So here's a pic of the WW and SS hanging to dry. The WW surprised me by weighing more than the SS at 3.5oz wet. It sure looked like the SS had more bud on it but I guess it was decieving due to the fat cola. The WW had longer, skinnier, more dense buds it seems. It definitely is a shitload stickier than the SS was yesterday and I cant seem to get it off my hands now. I will be using latex or nitrile gloves going forward to keep my hands clean and to keep more of the Trichs where they belong (on the buds).

I suppose the extra weight could be from there being more branch/stem still attached though. Didn't really notice that until after I posted and then was looking at the pic.

I'm sure the GC and HS plants will be happy to have the HPS light all to themselves now, lol.



Well-Known Member
Bitten by the "grow from seed" bug, I decided to try and germinate a seed. I got the seeds I ordered the other day and figured I'd start with one of the freebies they gave me (Fem'd The Church). I got a paper towel wet, put the seed inside it and put it between a plate and upside down bowl. I've got my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
I really hope I get some usability back in my right arrm & shoulder soon (it's been a month now), my wife is getting tired of having to move my plants around for me and stuff. I can use my left arm for most things but the bigger plants are just too heavy. It hurts the right shoulder and the knees to pull that hard with the left one.

I'll get some new pics of the bigger plants tonight since they're a lot bigger, probably double the size, than in the above pics.

Hoping the seed will start showing root by tomorrow. Then I need to figure out which soil to use and get some since all I have is the FF Ocean Forest and I hear it's too "hot" for seeds. Thinking of trying the MG seed starting mix, any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics I just took. I was convinced the GC clone wasn't taking and figured I'd take a look at it before throwing it out. To my surprise there was a single fat root inside the rockwool when I tore it open. I quickly closed it back and put a zip tie on it to keep it together, out it back in the dome and put a light back over it.

Hope it keeps going...

The Sour Grape is looking good and has new growth since I put it in soil. I sprinkled some water on the paper towel with the seed in it to keep it moist.



Well-Known Member
I'm a but irritated right now. the HS and GC plants went into flower a few weeks ago and got water, nutes, water, nutes like normal. The last time I gave them nutes, which was a full strength dose of Big Bloom, full strength dose of Tiger Bloom and a 1/2 dose of Open Sesame, it burned them. It looked pretty minor so I didn't bother flushing and watered as usual a few days ago but the burn set in worse after that watering. Today I flushed them somewhat (8gallons total water for the 2) and removed some of the fan leaves that looked burnt. I didn't remove all of them though, only the worst looking ones figuring they should still function as long as they don't look real bad.

I'm supposed to be starting the next step in the FF trio today but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I plant to give them plain water next time too and then start getting back on the nutes with 1/2 BB and 1/2 TB only.

Any thoughts? Sound like the right thing to do or should I do something with the nutes?

Old Goat

Damn it man you had me laughing my ass off with your first grow! You were too much like a youngster who got his first smell of pussy. You couldn't do enough for those girls, new equipment, new rooms everything to accommodate those beautiful young ladies. Going just as fast as you could just trying to keep up and making sure they treated you well in return. I was damn near outta breath just tryin to keep up with you.
You truly have amazed with with the final results! You have proven to many noobies that if you're well read before you start that even though you screw up you can still save the crop. Read and ask intelligent questions when needed. It's fun to follow a journal when done as well as these. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks.

I'm happy with the results for sure. I only veg'd the clones for 8 days after getting them and they were small clones too so to get what I got out of them is outstanding in my book. The second pair of plants that I have flowering right now aren't getting smothered like the first two did,lol. They're almost three times the size of the first pair already and they're still young.

I think I failed though at germing a seed. 3 days in wet paper towels under a bowl in a warm place and nothing so I started reading on the seedbank websites about recommended germ methods and found that the majority of them say to go to straight to soil or rockwool. This morning, in an effort to save the seed I put it in a dixie cup filled with a seed starting soil/perlite/vermiculite mix. I went ahead and pulled the last clone I have going out of the rockwool and stuck it in the soil mix too since the rockwool was split in half from when I went to throw it out and realized it had a root. I won't be heartbroken if it dies but it will be cool if it makes it. I'm pulling for the seed though 100%, c'mon baby...


Well-Known Member
Here's an update. The seed that I thought would not germ is now a tiny sprout of a plant in a dixie cup :) I just kept the soil moist and noticed it was going to go a day oe two ago when I moved a piece of perlite that I thought was sitting where I had put the seed. I saw what looked like the start of a plant under the soil so I put a little soil on top of it and today it looks like this:


Well-Known Member
The HS and GC are still getting taller and the buds are getting bigger. The SG plant has started to really take off too and looks very healthy. The GC clone is still hanging in there but looks unchanged from when I put it in soil. I'll leave it under the dome until it's either dead or shows new growth since I have a baby in there anyway. I have a couple SLH seeds germing right now too that should be going into Dixie cups or rockwool any day now too.

Things are looking good right now and I think it's because I've finally settled down a bit and am not smothering the fuckers, lol.

Here's a pic of the SG:



Well-Known Member
Yeah I hope I don't run into space issues. I wanted to keep the flow going and wasn't sure what was going to take and what wouldn't so I went all out. As far as the different strains goes, I want to try a bunch of different ones and then settle on a couple of my favorites that I'll do multiple generations of by taking cuttings from each plant before they flower and growing the clones. Eventually it will all iron out I think since it's already seeming to get smoother. Going to start supercropping the SG plant in another week or two so it will end up with a few big buds instead of a ton of small ones. The HS plant was supercropped once only on the main stem and it's producing four or five big buds up top now since three or four branches pushed up to meet the main in height. I'll take a pic of what I mean tonight and post it since it's kinda cool looking. It still has a bunch of smaller buds growing on some lower branches but they will prob not amount to nearly as much as the big ones. Kinda wish I had done it with the GC plant instead of LST now but it's doing good too with a ton of small to med buds.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I will not be around tonight so I went ahead and snapped a couple pics just now. I also checked in on the SLH seeds and one still has not germ'd but the other one had a taproot on it about 1/2" long so I stuck her in a cup with starter soil. Stoked!!!

So about the pics:
The last one is the GC plant that got some LST to keep it about the same height as the HS plant since the HS was growing slower at the start. The other two are of the HS plant that was supercropped once only. You can see signs of N burn but that was from last week and everything is back on track. I will be trimming the lower leaves from the HS this wekend since they don't look healthy and from what I've read, they are probably doing more harm than good at this point. I just took the pics to show the difference in how they're growing.

Enjoy :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
MY SLH sprouted today so now I have The Church and SLH as seedlings and a Green Cush clone that will all go into flower around the same time. Within a week or two of each other anyway. My Sour Grape will only be a few weeks into flower at that time too so I may be in trouble space wise. We'll see I guess.

I may be getting a full time salaried job pretty soon though and if so I'll buy a grow tent (40"X40") and put it where my flower room is now (that's 24"X48") and take down the framing. I'll have to figure something new out for a veg room but I think the 400watt light will work better in a 40X40 space too so it would be a win win.