Diablo II LOD anyone?


Well-Known Member
Anyone on here ever play Diablo II?

I havnt played in over 2 years. I just saw another thread about games, thought I'd see if any one else on here had played or still does.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I used to play the hell out of diablo 2. Can't wait for diablo 3 though I probably won't have a comp to play it on for a while.


Well-Known Member
We still play, network our computers together at home and we all play together - better in a group anyway when wandering in the secret cow level. lol (Well ok one of us here gets booted - likes to hog the good stuff, gems and such) Waiting anxiously for Diablo III though.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have decided, I dont want to go back to LOD. It was fun, but I'm going to wait for 3, and Start fresh with everyone else. Hopefully by the time it comes out, ill have a computer that can play it.

Doe, did u play battle.net ? east or west? were you around for the HEX ages?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have decided, I dont want to go back to LOD. It was fun, but I'm going to wait for 3, and Start fresh with everyone else. Hopefully by the time it comes out, ill have a computer that can play it.

Doe, did u play battle.net ? east or west? were you around for the HEX ages?
I tried battlenet east a few times - not for me. We still have dialup internet, the lag sucks, and people pissed me off, lol. Really, first few times I played, I left it open for others to join, and I had high level characters come in, kill my low level character, take my best stuff and split. NOT FUN. lol