I doubt the Blackberry Kush was anything like Plushberry if you weren't satisfied

There are so many crap kush this kush that berry this berry that strains out there especially whack ones getting churned through one of California's many craptastic clone-mills. I was simply implying that I had connections to a rare strain from a master breeder. Wasn't trying to step on toes. I'll have you know though, that comment about PB being inferior to OGK is a bit hasty. The Pink Lady was released a few months ago, at a limited supply, and is quickly being referred to *the* greatest tasting flower by master growers in the medical world. Some people just like their coffee black though, and I'm cool with that. I wish I could suggest a good OG strain for you, but I've been turned off of that recently. Everyone in Cali is growing normal weed and calling it OG now-a-days. Charlie Sheen OG, Skywalker OG, Banana OG, Black Diamond OG, Platinum Blackberry OG... You get the point. There are breeders who dedicate themselves to the art of growing cannabis, and there are breeders who dedicate themselves to the art of making money. Not too worried about growing Subcool's gear when it comes to the quality we all want. Beyond down to earth, so much so, that you can see him posting quality content exclusively here on the RIU forums every single day. Some guys just sit in Amsterdam pumping out seeds with the name "Cali" on it.
Anyways, enough banter from me. Keep at it - That's going to be one hell of a harvest. You have been killing it from the get go. Awesome shit
how dare you..lol
People in cali???
Making money...lol.
this has nothing to do with making money my friend...
I will have to say that yeah jins plants are nice and dense ....and have great og representiaiton...
And to many illegals , non californias... or states that are new to medical growing... lets just say the majority of riu members..
Think its the best og ever ...lol (cause most so calers dont post here ...lol...jin you need to go to weedtracker already)
But to me and many in the medical front , who work with clone only strains ...old and new, these is just another typical og grows......
What you have here is some good genetics... A grower who has enufff knowledge and exp.., and nice lights,nutes, and setup....
Its not magic...lol
But we already know jin can grow dank thats not the issue...
The issue you saying stuff like these are made up strains and hold no wieght... attached to strains to make money.....
You couldnt be more wrong....(there are so many og strains ..cause og has become la's favorite flavor...duh...lol)
Are there people who do this yes???
There will always be people out there trying to make an honestbuck... and people looking to swinddle you....(there are also people who love weed ... and are trying to grow the best)
But this is not at all what the med front is about..
Its about choices... flavors, what medications are right for your conditon..... what type of high you need , to get you though life...in tuff times... or in sickness
You pull out some skywalker og, platinum og, blackberry, black diamond og and put it in front of me ...
Ill take a hit of each one ... and telll u which one is which .... easily ....
I hear so many people bashing californians...For what?
Cause we have genetics that cant be sold via seed ...unless u want a half ass og.....
In no means do people in cali think there better....
We just know are shit....
Everything is really legit...
I have to get a medicl rec.... and show it everytme i go in to the club..(or they would kick me out ..even if i go everyday)
All the shops i go to are legit....
And there are breeders and genetisist that work with cuts at my dispencairy......legally
So for u to say comments like that ...
Just makes me sick...lol..
You must not have access to meds on a daily basis ..
Ive gone to more than 50 medical clubs .... and if its good...
Everytime you ask for skywalker ,9/10 times... from any good shop ...
Its garunteed to be the same cut.... same skywaler you useed too..not some made up bulshit..like charlie sheen...
(Some collective caught flack when the put charlie sheen on there labels...
And some tracker, the majority , called them out.... the were only putting more confusion into the medical seen...
It was said that sticky icky(a vendor) just had a og cross , and decided to name it that when it was havested.. cause charlie was hot at the time..... and some shops just labeled random ogs cs...but no shops i every go to ever sold this)
U cant hate cause the masters came here first back in the early 90 (prop 215)
and grew out some of the sickess genetics here to date ...
That are still are in circulation .. And masters are still at work in ...you guessed it california...
Because of the rules and regulations .....
Hopefully one day all the rui and states will be able to make the progress that california made and amsterdamn has made...
In the coming decades...peace
edit shame on you ....i grow regular weed ...pshhhhhh!!!
the medical world , pink lady, wth?? is pink lady...
Sorry jin i just cant stand people spreading misinfomation bro.....
I just realized your from la dsmke.... so you should know these kinda things....
Ive grown these strains out and smokedem many times... and there real...lol
not just regular to me....