Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System


Active Member
Very nice. Any possibility of a current shot of the space for reference? I'm curious to know how much height you have left.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Any possibility of a current shot of the space for reference? I'm curious to know how much height you have left.
My camera's batteries died last night. I'll have pix up soon.

I have a good amount of vertical height left. I think my cab's overall height is like 72" or 74", but the storage bin they're in is pretty tall. I'll have an update up asap.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Any possibility of a current shot of the space for reference? I'm curious to know how much height you have left.
I'll take some more pix tomorrow or day after so we can see a bit more of a dramatic change.
But here are the measurements. The tallest point of both plants is 33" which is about 9" away from the light (kinda close I know, but I like to push it). I have four more inches to move the light up, so at the rate they're stretching (vertical growth has already slowed nicely) I think I'm in pretty good shape.


Well-Known Member
I'm puffing on the free joint I just got from a local collective as I type this. Now, as most of you know, the free joints you get at these places are generally dried leaves and not worth smokin'. But after I got through telling the girl at the counter about my grow, she threw in a REAL house doobie, not a 'free doobie' in my bag gratis.

Now, never mind that the girl is a dark-haired, smokey-eyed, cutie...this is a real joint. It's super dense and burns as slow as wood. It makes me cough and has a sage taste. I'm not sure yet, but I think I love her. But, honestly, I don't know if it's me or my grow. Lol.

Oh, and by the way, for all of those wondering why my box is so cool and creates such hyper-fast growth, I have to confess that a close friend of mine is a structural engineer with access to metal fabricating equipment. Sorry. But hey, I designed it and gave him the specs to cut. After doing several grows with it, I now would have asked him to do it a little differently...oh well.


Active Member
:lol: @ "Keep your undies on, this isn't a pic update."

Way to keep a girl waiting!

Nice score! Either way, you or the grow, a killer free joint can't be bad! Seems like it did the trick :eyesmoke:

still waiting for those box pics :-P and it's totally time for you to slap some batteries in the camera to snap some pictures of the twins.... And you should think about rechargeable batteries. Saves money, time and the planet in the end lol and the planet isn't going to save itself... but then again I'm a hippie at heart :bigjoint:

My girls are doing AWESOME. I'm pleased with the results so far. Did a pic update last night, you should check it out ;-)

looking forward to seeing your beauties! :leaf:



Well-Known Member

They're gettin' there. The smell is pretty intense already. When I open the doors after a few hours of lights on, it's like a boxing glove of odor jabbing me in the face. It's just a stiff jab right now. The round-house knockout blow comes a few weeks later.

My cat loves marijuana salad. He doesn't care what strain it is as long as it's fresh. I was struggling with moving my light up yesterday and the little bastard took another nibble.



Well-Known Member
:lol: @ "Keep your undies on, this isn't a pic update."

Way to keep a girl waiting!

Nice score! Either way, you or the grow, a killer free joint can't be bad! Seems like it did the trick :eyesmoke:

still waiting for those box pics :-P and it's totally time for you to slap some batteries in the camera to snap some pictures of the twins.... And you should think about rechargeable batteries. Saves money, time and the planet in the end lol and the planet isn't going to save itself... but then again I'm a hippie at heart :bigjoint:

My girls are doing AWESOME. I'm pleased with the results so far. Did a pic update last night, you should check it out ;-)

looking forward to seeing your beauties! :leaf:

Here's a couple of pix to give you a better idea of where they are height-wise in relation to the box interior.



Well-Known Member
The odor is developing into a heavy cloud. I hate those plants that you actually have to sniff to smell.

I'm thinking about switching to the bulking mix this Sunday. These chix are heavy drinkers. Raised to 1480ppm and have been injecting about 6ml of nutes a day to keep them there. Ph has stabilized nicely. It's dropping a tenth of a point a day. I haven't had to add a drop of ph up in a while. Technology rules.



Okay, so I'm going to try to make this more of a journal and less of a bud-porn fest. The chiller pictured above is the 1/10 hp AquaEuro. Interestingly, I ordered the 1/13 hp (which would have been more than adequate for the amount of water I need to cool) but received the bigger 1/10 hp unit. I never called the online dealer assuming they just liked my charming phone voice and threw in a wink wink. I get that a lot. I'm really cute. Just kidding. Or am I? Lol.

Anyway, the chiller turned out to be a godsend. I can crank my internal sprayer pump as long as I want since the heat build-up from that has been neutralized in addition to the more severe heat buildup from the intensity of the light trapped in that tight enclosure. So the self-regulating temperature, along with the self-regulating float switch topper were working in perfect unison. The intensity of the square inch lumens, the constant cool water, auto refresh, but it wasn't really in perfect harmony because something was still missing. You guessed it the oxygen. You can't get me to shut up about oxygen if you tried. With the commercial grade pump upgrade, the oxygen output finally completes the harmonious interaction of hot light, cold water, and immense oxygen. I think of it sort of as a Yin and Yang of hydroponics, the interdependent cycle of life in perfect balance.


Another poster (I'm one of her greatest fans) mentioned a concern about power outages. I did, in fact, have one a couple of grows ago and remember that about three or four hours of no power had me climbing the fucking walls. The plants didn't suffer at all and now that I look at it, I think it's because of the aeroponics aspect of my hybrid. I have a large amount of root mass suspended in air, so if the oxygen supply should fail, they can ride it out much longer because the roots can just breathe the oxygen available in the box along with any residual oxygen stored in the roots and lingering in the water after the pump has died. I think that's one of the major advantages to my setup over straight dwc where there is a far greater chance of the roots drowning with pump failure.


That's me. I like letting technology do the work. And this thing has become a plant life-support engine. It's not quite as easy as 'set it and forget it,' but I'm not running around nearly as much as I used to (thank god). It took a lot of work to make it that way, but I like the fact that it does what it's supposed to and I can pretty much concentrate on other things... like smoking OGK.


I was thinking about going bigger, but why? I think I'm at the perfect level where I can do this and, although it jacks up my power bill, it's not something I can't afford to pay on time (obviously). Being at the happy level is what it's all about anyway, don't you think? I'd like to do more in the future, just not so much at a time. I want to keep it pretty micro, and def state law compliant of course.


I feel really fortunate to be living here. I was born and raised in SoCal but didn't really feel like I had 'come home' until the pot laws became what we know today. It's by no means fully legalized, and the laws on the books aren't perfect, but there is an atmosphere that is more sane and everyone is more comfortable with... including our brave men and women behind the badge. Local cops are waaaay more relaxed about it and you can tell just from talking to them that it's a position they wish they could have taken long ago.

I'm a great advocate for responsible, legal use of cannabis. I often think stoners get a bad rap in society and the media (even film), where we are simultaneously glorified and ridiculed as 'the dumb stoner.' We may forget where we left our keys or cell phone from time to time... but hey, who hasn't? Some of the best people are stoners and if everyone just fuckin' chilled and smoked pot and drank less and stopped being so angry, the world would be a little calmer. We'd have less auto accidents, fewer domestic disputes... Don't laugh, you know it's true. Other than a Cheetos and Ben and Jerry's shortage, what can really happen?

I really feel for my brothers and sisters in less evolved states (I'm looking at you Texas). You guys still have to hide in the shadows. Godspeed to you. And to everyone in states with med laws, how's your grow doing? And pass that fuckin' bong, pipe, joint, blunt, vape whip gas mask.




Active Member
The ladies are looking fantastic! I'm curious about this bulking mix you speak of. I've heard of a few things that are supposed to bulk out the buds, but I'm a skeptic. Though since people complain about popcorn buds with flouro-grows, I'm open to new ideas and am curious about your experience.

We've had flouro grown buds before and it was just fine. I think it has to do with how you grow it as well. People don't always take all aspects of the grow into consideration. I think it's perfectly possible to get nice dank nugs from flouro. You just have to do it right :weed: Ours are already bulking out well!

Nice fancy chiller you have there! Will definitely have to get me one of those when we go full hydro! I'm impressed with your perfect balance! It sounds like it couldn't work any better than you've got it! (maybe only a little, but that's splitting hairs.) I work hard to keep my girls at a perfect balance!! Lucky lazy fucking stoner!! bongsmilie

Power outages scare the crap out of me with hydro. Knowing me, I'd have a panic attack and start trying to make my own bubbles :lol: (pictures herself turning blue trying..... teehee) Maybe I'll have to get myself a bellows.... Someday I plan to get my own wind power.... The dreams of a tree-hugger :weed: One of these days.... Then I won't have to worry about it. I'll just have to worry about replacing my batteries.

We're in a legal location, but the 5-0 in our area are not so nice. Head to the big city and it's a different story, but here they'll take before they verify. Some of the local cops still act as if it's completely illegal here, when we have medicinal laws in place to protect patients. Sure you can win a court battle.... after they've destroyed your crop and taken all your shit! No thanks! We keep on the DL and keep our heads down. It's sad but true. We don't even have friends we tell. The only ones that know, are fellow patients.

Damn I'm rambling lol :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
The ladies are looking fantastic! I'm curious about this bulking mix you speak of. I've heard of a few things that are supposed to bulk out the buds, but I'm a skeptic. Though since people complain about popcorn buds with flouro-grows, I'm open to new ideas and am curious about your experience.

We've had flouro grown buds before and it was just fine. I think it has to do with how you grow it as well. People don't always take all aspects of the grow into consideration. I think it's perfectly possible to get nice dank nugs from flouro. You just have to do it right :weed: Ours are already bulking out well!

Nice fancy chiller you have there! Will definitely have to get me one of those when we go full hydro! I'm impressed with your perfect balance! It sounds like it couldn't work any better than you've got it! (maybe only a little, but that's splitting hairs.) I work hard to keep my girls at a perfect balance!! Lucky lazy fucking stoner!! bongsmilie

Power outages scare the crap out of me with hydro. Knowing me, I'd have a panic attack and start trying to make my own bubbles :lol: (pictures herself turning blue trying..... teehee) Maybe I'll have to get myself a bellows.... Someday I plan to get my own wind power.... The dreams of a tree-hugger :weed: One of these days.... Then I won't have to worry about it. I'll just have to worry about replacing my batteries.

We're in a legal location, but the 5-0 in our area are not so nice. Head to the big city and it's a different story, but here they'll take before they verify. Some of the local cops still act as if it's completely illegal here, when we have medicinal laws in place to protect patients. Sure you can win a court battle.... after they've destroyed your crop and taken all your shit! No thanks! We keep on the DL and keep our heads down. It's sad but true. We don't even have friends we tell. The only ones that know, are fellow patients.

Damn I'm rambling lol :eyesmoke:
There are two stages to the flowering nutes I'm using. It's the GH flower base to Liquid koolbloom (0-10-10) that's key. First stage, you give it more base and less koolbloom, second stage you cut back on the base and bomb it with the koolbloom, depleting the N even further and causing the plant to panic thinking its life is coming to an end. Lol. BTW, I LOVE LIQUID KOOLBLOOM. I would drink it if I could. Once I noticed some dried residue at the bottom of an old bottle and it had crystallized. This is basically pure liquid sugar. I know I shouldn't drink it. It smells enticing, though.

Hey, there's always room for improvement. I have a 50lb co2 tank lying around that I never use because there's too much airflow in my box and to work out a fan off/co2 on timer cycle just doesn't seem worth it because of the amount of air exchange in the tight grow box space. Sometimes I look at the tank collecting dust in the corner and wonder, "Can I possibly make them grow faster? Do I really need them to?" To which the answer is always no. But the tank remains for my future modest expansion goals. My dream improvements would be: expansion of space to accommodate maybe four plants this size maybe 5' x 5', another thousand watter and a dual external piggy-back res system... that would take a few $$ and what I have suits my needs just fine for the moment, so that's something for the future.

That sucks about your sitch. If you're kinda out of the way, it's not surprising, tho. I'm a big city slicker so it's a different vibe altogether I'm sure.

It's not that bad with a blackout when you consider the infrequency of them in general and their very temporary state unless there's a storm or something. The plants are amazingly strong and would surprise you with their resilience.


Well-Known Member
Doing a minor adjustment, my hand accidentally touched a bud. It smells not like lemon, but lemon candy. Unreal.


Well-Known Member
mmmmm lemonheads......
exactly. It's one thing for the buds to smell like fruit, but this stuff smells like a fruit-flavored confection.

I can HARDLY wait to load the first bowl when they're done. I think I might have to blow the dust of my vape for that occassion.


Well-Known Member
I think they're finally starting to live up to the name of my journal.

I'm close to 75 percent sure I'll have my best yield yet. Seventh time the charm.

It's gotta be the oxygen. This is the first time I've seen vigor of this magnitude. But then again, I also have to say that these clones are of the very finest genetics. They almost seem programmed to yellow and shed their lower leaves themselves, making pruning next to non-existent. I just pick up the yellow leaves that they shed on their own. But the oxygen, the oxygen. It's really accelerating their life cycle also. I never thought a grow could go this fast. The nugs are chunking almost before my very eyes. If I walk away just for a few hours and come back later, the buds look just a little fuller. No shit.

I'm so amazed by these beauties that I'm gonna call the manager of the collective tomorrow. I doubt he'll remember me, but he'll remember his clones. Or will he? Who cares? He's gonna flip his lid when he sees this.



Well-Known Member

Okay, so here's the thing. I don't think my journal is getting enough views despite the beautiful girls in my avatars and the beautiful girls in my cab. So as a grower who moonlights as a glam/art photographer, I'm just gonna throw up larger photos of beautiful models I have shot over the past few years. Blatant eye candy? Sure, but I'll keep doing it with every update if no one complains.

EDIT (5-16-11):
My blatant eye candy has been removed. For the sake of continuity to this journal, I wanted to put a note here. So don't be all, "What beautiful models?"



Well-Known Member

The buds are stacking up hard in Donkey Dick forest. All is quiet but the roar of fans and pumps. I'm crazy for OG Kush. I'm starting bulking formula manana. Man, with OG's it's all about the bulking phase. From what I've observed of OG and various other kush strains, I've noticed how well defined each bud is, and how uniformly sized and shaped they are. You don't see any of that 'crazy budding' you get from various other strains. And the buds never get as huge as a Starbucks coffee cup (unfortunately) like various other strains out there. But from what I've seen from OG's early flowering indicators, this is gonna be good. I can hardly wait until they start swelling. I have a feeling they're gonna do it in overdrive like they've been doing everything else.

I don't want to come off as some California OG Kush whore, but I am. I've smoked everything from high to low, Kiddies. I know my weed. From the first time I scored those doobies behind the handball courts in 8th grade to the moment I type this, I can honestly say that OG Kush, any of the many varieties (and I have yet to try Charlie Sheen OGKush), with that distinctive earthy aroma and that wood-like density is hands down my favorite. Of OGK subsets I've tried, my favorites are: Fire, San Fernando Valley, Herojuana, Jade, Goliath (giant dense nugs), and definitely DIABLO. There's a whole bunch of others I've tried and love, but I'm way too high to remember them all right now. I'm currently smoking Cartman OG Kush. Oh, and Seismic OG is something really good I recently discovered. It causes 'body earth-quakes.'



Active Member
So you're a fan of the OG's eh? Ever tried Larry OG or OGiesel? Cali-connect strains. Well worth looking for if you're an OG fan. Both are on the fruitier side of the OG strains, with a bit less of the sweet musk/armpits smell OGs usually have. Definitely rock hard nugs though.


Well-Known Member
So you're a fan of the OG's eh? Ever tried Larry OG or OGiesel? Cali-connect strains. Well worth looking for if you're an OG fan. Both are on the fruitier side of the OG strains, with a bit less of the sweet musk/armpits smell OGs usually have. Definitely rock hard nugs though.
Haven't tried the Larry or OGiesel. Honestly, there are so many OG's and so little time to smoke and grow them all. I'm gonna try tho. Cali-connect you say? Hmmmmm...(scratching chin).