I wouldn't be interested in it if it was just a drip/return

! (Although he does make a drip/return bucket lol) I think it's a drip/aero system that drips when the plants are young and converts into an aero once the plants have established some roots and are sprayable.
I agree with you; I could pretty easily make a lot of the stuff but I'm just so damn lazy and this guy really knows his stuff... Like the silver buckets and stuff and the peel away layers. It'd be really nice to have the manufacturer to ask questions
One thing I especially like about his kits is the customizable lids! And free of charge too! Up to 8?? YEE. You could probably have some young plants vegging in one of the multi-pot lids and the two-plant lids for fatties like yours

What really caught my eye was this:
http://cgi.ebay.com/EBB-AND-FLOW-HYDROPONICS-SYSTEM-KIT-AND-SUPPLIES-/110710503581?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c6dc389d#ht_4388wt_905. Cheapass ebbnflow kit that doesn't flood and drain! Instead it seems like it's kind of a current.. which is a damn interesting idea. And what better way to check on your roots than peeling back the cover ?
His explanation for having a 'current' on the ebbnflow is pretty interesting and I'm tempted to buy it instead of the aero system:
So air is drawn through the meshpots because of the pressure difference and the 'vacuum.' PHO KING INTERESTING. If I get it I'm going to end up putting an air stone in the lower reservoir for even more aeration
I might get that cloner eventually... looks nice and I could see how it'd be tempting to get more--functional and easy to use. So you can get RACKS ON RACKS ON RACKS of clones :3