diagnosed schizophrenic at 28

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Well-Known Member
I was a late bloomer, a sweet summer child and i used to think i was ugly or short or a 6.5 inch penis was small and that was the worst of my problems....lol. I spent the last two years working manual labor with men who denied or negated the existence of mental health or the importance thereof and told me it was all in my head and just to suck it up and be a man. So i smoked pot with them and sucked it up. Then i started changing faster. Then i just tried to go back to college and the world stopped making sense to me and i found myself wandering around confused and avoiding people and making a general ass of myself. Now i've been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, apparently partially due to just shit luck and family history and life events and also because i started smoking reefer ten years ago when i was a baby and did so to self medicate before my brain was even fully developed. The diagnosis took so long because i myself was late to develop so i remained in a dormant phase for a long time. So i guess what i have to say is that i don't have anything against weed and for the right people it probably ain't bad and hell i probably will smoke in the future but goddam man i should have gotten my shit straight a long time ago. But that's what happens when you grow up a loner and have no one to take ya by the hand and show ya how to be a man. I did what i felt i had to do at the time and now i'm going to have a hard life for a long long time. But i haven't given up on my dreams or myself or school or anything I just basically am gonna need help to learn how to deal in the world without causing a lot of problems for myself or others.
I had a gentleman neighbor in Florida that was a schizophrenic his name was Dustin. Dude was all around good guy but if he was off his meds you could tell real quick but was a very helpful and well rounded guy. You gotta take care of yourself first or the rest will fall apart I wish you the best of luck and hope you get yourself under control and feeling the way you want to feel.
i'm going to have a hard life for a long long time.
Not necessarily, dude. Maybe the hard life will be behind you now that you know your schizophrenic. Stick to your meds, workout and exercise and you may not even care about weed. Mental health is sooo important, take care of yourself.

Btw 6.5 " is above average for schlongs. If it makes you feel better, just round up to 7"! :)
I had a gentleman neighbor in Florida that was a schizophrenic his name was Dustin. Dude was all around good guy but if he was off his meds you could tell real quick but was a very helpful and well rounded guy. You gotta take care of yourself first or the rest will fall apart I wish you the best of luck and hope you get yourself under control and feeling the way you want to feel.
was he from NY originally? just curious i knew someone by that name who i believe was schizophrenic
Not necessarily, dude. Maybe the hard life will be behind you now that you know your schizophrenic. Stick to your meds, workout and exercise and you may not even care about weed. Mental health is sooo important, take care of yourself.

Btw 6.5 " is above average for schlongs. If it makes you feel better, just round up to 7"! :)
I don't know what happened but i'm a late bloomer and so of course I wouldn't be wanted by college chicks I don't have hair on my chest. I got hair coming out my face tho. Maybe I need TRT because I'm 28 now and so I either jerked off all my testosterone or I just am not out of the woods yet. I guess the hormonal changes are what can trigger schizophrenia in a lot of people. But it's heartbreaking missing out on love and sex
I was a late bloomer, a sweet summer child and i used to think i was ugly or short or a 6.5 inch penis was small and that was the worst of my problems....lol. I spent the last two years working manual labor with men who denied or negated the existence of mental health or the importance thereof and told me it was all in my head and just to suck it up and be a man. So i smoked pot with them and sucked it up. Then i started changing faster. Then i just tried to go back to college and the world stopped making sense to me and i found myself wandering around confused and avoiding people and making a general ass of myself. Now i've been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, apparently partially due to just shit luck and family history and life events and also because i started smoking reefer ten years ago when i was a baby and did so to self medicate before my brain was even fully developed. The diagnosis took so long because i myself was late to develop so i remained in a dormant phase for a long time. So i guess what i have to say is that i don't have anything against weed and for the right people it probably ain't bad and hell i probably will smoke in the future but goddam man i should have gotten my shit straight a long time ago. But that's what happens when you grow up a loner and have no one to take ya by the hand and show ya how to be a man. I did what i felt i had to do at the time and now i'm going to have a hard life for a long long time. But i haven't given up on my dreams or myself or school or anything I just basically am gonna need help to learn how to deal in the world without causing a lot of problems for myself or others.
I'm very sorry for the struggles you are dealing with. I personally know how important it is to look after your mental health. I've seen it from a very young age only to develop problems myself later in life. It can be extremely frustrating but once you get into a regular routine with meds hopefully it will help you. I also second the exercise thing, it's extremely important for mental health. I wish you well.
I'm very sorry for the struggles you are dealing with. I personally know how important it is to look after your mental health. I've seen it from a very young age only to develop problems myself later in life. It can be extremely frustrating but once you get into a regular routine with meds hopefully it will help you. I also second the exercise thing, it's extremely important for mental health. I wish you well.
i was always a runner lol I've run over 2,500 miles in my life not that it matters or that's anything impressive lol and trying to get back in shape ATM. But it really helps me for some reason I guess you could say I try to run away from myself
i was always a runner lol I've run over 2,500 miles in my life not that it matters or that's anything impressive lol and trying to get back in shape ATM. But it really helps me for some reason I guess you could say I try to run away from myself
The bright side is you have a diagnosis and apparently, I hope, a therapist. I don't run due to bad knees but I exercise every damn day. That's not for the physique but for the serotonin production. Of course it also helps your confidence to have an athletic body.

Stay healthy. Try not to worry.
mental illness is a bitch. i have several of them. brain science is pretty right on and meds are the best we have, and they're decent at best and some of them are straight up awful. I also firmly believe there are higher plains of thought, some of them dark and others that I think are powerful enough to shift your conscious reality as much as any pill. i recommend reading Bertrand Russel and thinking more about consequence, your consequence, and living in a concrete, real to the touch world, apart from a lot of the misinformation on the internet. and take the words of others with a grain of salt. gl.
I was a late bloomer, a sweet summer child and i used to think i was ugly or short or a 6.5 inch penis was small and that was the worst of my problems....lol. I spent the last two years working manual labor with men who denied or negated the existence of mental health or the importance thereof and told me it was all in my head and just to suck it up and be a man. So i smoked pot with them and sucked it up. Then i started changing faster. Then i just tried to go back to college and the world stopped making sense to me and i found myself wandering around confused and avoiding people and making a general ass of myself. Now i've been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, apparently partially due to just shit luck and family history and life events and also because i started smoking reefer ten years ago when i was a baby and did so to self medicate before my brain was even fully developed. The diagnosis took so long because i myself was late to develop so i remained in a dormant phase for a long time. So i guess what i have to say is that i don't have anything against weed and for the right people it probably ain't bad and hell i probably will smoke in the future but goddam man i should have gotten my shit straight a long time ago. But that's what happens when you grow up a loner and have no one to take ya by the hand and show ya how to be a man. I did what i felt i had to do at the time and now i'm going to have a hard life for a long long time. But i haven't given up on my dreams or myself or school or anything I just basically am gonna need help to learn how to deal in the world without causing a lot of problems for myself or others.

Maybe not hanging out on a weed site would be a better option
Good luck to you

I swear I had you in 3rd grade....a f'ing mean bitch you are ( or were , hopefully ) .... ( your avatar of course ) .
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