Diagnosis 911!


Active Member
I am new to this forum as well as growing, which I started as not even a hobby when some leftover seeds actually began to sprout.

Let me first say that I know very little, so also excuse my ignorance. Basically I think I have injured my plant, but hopefully not beyond the point of recovery.

I had one of several grow quite large w/ just soil, water, and sunlight, and it began to flower several weeks ago. However, after some period of neglect, I saw some damage near the bottom, as well as some of the leaves beginning to curl and shrivel, and knew that the plant should have reached maturity by this time.

So, in my infinite wisdom, I purchased a rig from a local grow shop w/ a 1000 W bulb. I initially placed the bulb about 2 feet above the plant in my spare shower and let it shine. When I checked later, the plant basically looked more dried and burnt than it had. My first thought is that the leaves had still been moist, so maybe I had burnt them like wet grass on a hot day. But even when I let the plant dry, raised the light a few feet, and moved the plant out of direct light, it still looked worse after more exposure.

My personal diagnosis is that the light is too hot/too bright? for just one plant and that the bathhroom fan is not enough ventilation for such heat (I thought I might get an A/C duct for the light hood or at least a couple of boxfans to direct the heat out the door). Should the room be cool even when lit? The only thing I can tell you is that the small buds still smell extremely potent, but they seem to have shrunk from the heat. Can it be salvaged or should I just harvest what I can and start again w/ a better set-up?

I will try to get a pic posted as well. Thanks for your expert knowledge!

Edit: I just added 3 pics. I can get more close shots if needed, but I think you can see the general droopy leafed theme here.



Active Member
it does look like heat or under watering to me. make sure to water when the soil is dried, invest in a moisture meter if you need help judging. put your hand right above your plant, if the light burns your hand then it will burn your plant.


Well-Known Member
I would almost say that is a full lock out... How fast did it happen? Did you feed it about a week ago? I'm thinking it is over feeding lockout.


Well-Known Member
I would try to get some ventilation and monitor the temps asap. Also make sure you are watering them enough, it looks like it could be underwatering. If those don't help you might want so harvest what you have.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips; I have a few questions.

cackpircings, by "lockout" do you mean the plant reached the point where it refused to flower any further? Also, by overfeeding, do you mean over watering?

I think that the initial damage, which was minimal and left the plant looking more than salvageable, was from not enough light, and certainly not enough water. I have a small device to indicate when the plant is dry, but that initial damage took weeks to set in, and the new drying/shriveling/curling damage occurred in just hours really.

For all I know, the plant was "locked-out" before i even stuck it under that lamp. By the by, is it possible for the lamp to be too powerful in terms of lighting power, or is it just the heat that damages the plants. At this point i really think I was just a goon that forgot to properly ventilate that room b/c even if the plant were not inclined to grow any more, it wouldn't have turned so sour w/out my help!

So, some think it's caput and to harvest what I can, and others say to attempt to water and make sure that I have ventilation. Should I try a weaker bulb (250, 400, or 600?) At the very least, I want to learn what to avoid when I try again.


Active Member
So, I have reserved myself to that fact that I cannot save my plant.

What is the best way to "harvest" what little is left? It is hard to tell what is good since the leaves are so bear near the buds.


Well-Known Member
ouch, yea as soon as I read that you put a 1000W light 2 feet over this plant I cringed! :/
the heat from the light and the lack of ventilation was the killer.. BUT it is still salvageable because of the fact that there seem to be quite a few orange hairs in the bud, signifying that you can harvest.. I would first clip off ALL of those leaves (except maybe a few sets of the top most leaves), get some fresh cool air (70 degrees) blowing continuously over the plant, raise that 1000W so it's at least 4 feet above the top of the plant.. then mix 1 tblspoon molasses into 1 gallon distilled water and feed the plant with this mix regularly for a week .. the top leaves should perk back up, the bud should swell and then the final week before you harvest you should purposefully over water it (every day) with plain distilled water to flush (allowing the temps to rise during this time is fine).. so two more weeks and u should harvest... and drop the light a half a foot or so.. by then ur bud should be rdy for harvest and be smokeable.. good luck!