Diagnosis needed.. Pics Icluded.


I wanted to Report my status after a feeding.
I made a one liter mix of nutriant at 580ppm and a Ph of 5.8
I then added or poured this nutriant mixture striahgt into the bottom of the auto-pot, where the Res would usually just fill it up.

This morning when checking on the plants, the smaller one which seemed to be on its way to recovery yesterday, looks a bit greener and almost as if some of the yellow in the leaves is slowly being replaced with darker green which is good sign at least for that plant.

The big plant howeverm is still looking pretty much the same and still has what seems like yellow bloches and seems to be missing allot of the Flush Green.

What i have Checked now is the EC/PPM and PH of the water that is still lying at the bottom of the auto-pot.
Oddly enough, the Ph level is now gone from a 5.9 to a 6.2 and the µS/cm has gone from the water i added which was close to 900 has halfed to about 450, meaning the ppm has also dropped.

I gather what this means, is that from what i have fead the plant last night, half of the nutriants have been either absorbed by the plant and perhaps some lost due to evapouration as well.

Im unsure as to weather i should up the dosage of the nutriant for the big plant and just pour a more powerful mix around the base of the bigger plant?

iv just noticed the readings you gave eariler are correct
Depending on what was put into the calcuatar, there seems to be two different factors for the PPM.

This is the system type, and there are 2 options..
Running to waste and Recirculating
Depending on which one of these you choose it gives you a different ppm factor.
I chose the Run to waste option as it seems like it would be easier but, it does not exactly give you a great defintion of what either means.
I dont exactly understand how one might circulate the water in auto pot with no pump, i chose the run to waste option which gave me the lower ppm values..

What shall i do next?
my options as i have there are to wait.
See if the plant does not look a little better later today, or
Up the dosage on the specific plant and pour some high rate nutes directly into the pot, if i did this option id imagine id just move onto the next stage in growth on the chart and add that mixture.

Thanks for taking the time to read this mess:P