dialouge box is missing it's icons


Well-Known Member
is it just me? all the icons on the dialogue box are gone. i can't attach pics, change font, color my text, attach youtube links, ... seems like it just happened within the last hour or so.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Its not just you, the site is acting wonky for me and a few others too. No dialogue boxes, selections made do not show up, I can't log in from the main page on the top right corner etc. Rolli has tried several browsers and all seem fine for him. He is going to try safari next, thats what I am using. He is aware some of us are having issues.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I couldn't log in from the front page. I try to type in my password and it doesn't come out as dots. but once I got logged in, I've been fine


Well-Known Member
Everything is working normally for me. I'm using FireFox, have you tried a different browser?

It may help to log off, clear your cache, reboot, and log in again.



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Everything is working normally for me. I'm using FireFox, have you tried a different browser?It may help to log off, clear your cache, reboot, and log in again.:mrgreen:
I have tried this several times and no change. I even updated Safari. Same thing this morning when I logged in, I can type in my user name but the password fills in so you can see it therefore it says invalid log in. Then another screen pops up and I can enter my user name and password there and it works. The moderation is still messed up too for me. This just started last night for me. Weird.


The Dialog boxes are missing and a lot of the Javascript on the website is not working because there is an unterminated comment (ie syntax error) in one of the core Javascript files. This is what my Firefox browser says in the error console:

Error: unterminated comment
Source File: https://www.rollitup.org/clientscript/vbulletin-core.js?v=420
Line: 1

When I look at the source code of that file it looks really messed up.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Same thing this morning when I logged in, I can type in my user name but the password fills in so you can see it therefore it says invalid log in. Then another screen pops up and I can enter my user name and password there and it works.
this was happening to me last night. this morning I am back to normal though

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I have tried this several times and no change. I even updated Safari. Same thing this morning when I logged in, I can type in my user name but the password fills in so you can see it therefore it says invalid log in. Then another screen pops up and I can enter my user name and password there and it works. The moderation is still messed up too for me. This just started last night for me. Weird.
now my moderation ain't working for me either, it's all wonky. same with password being seen when logging in on the front page. I'm using google chrome


Same here. Login problems and lack of dialogue icons. Can't attach photos. Safari and FF. I have some ohh so tasty pics to upload as well :(Outlaw


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I was told the Safari issue will be resolved very soon. I am glad it not just me with the issue lol. :D


Well-Known Member
when i try to break my post up it all gets scrunched back together when i hit "post reply". this was typed out on four different lines with a space between each line.. i bet it all gets put together as one paragraph. smilies aren't working properly either.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
when i try to break my post up it all gets scrunched back together when i hit "post reply". this was typed out on four different lines. i bet it all gets put together as one paragraph. smilies are working properly either.
I am experiencing the same things amongst others. There are no options to attach videos or urls either.


when i try to break my post up it all gets scrunched back together when i hit "post reply". this was typed out on four different lines with a space between each line.. i bet it all gets put together as one paragraph. smilies aren't working properly either.
i am havin all these same problems fdd, ive been having them all day..hopefully its fixed soon


Well-Known Member
Its the same for every single browser for me no matter what...and i had problems logging in earlier when i cleared my cookies and cache. Finally got logged back in after waiting 15 minutes for it to reset. I haven't had an option to upload pictures for the past 2 days now......guess they aren't in any hurry

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think that this is an issue with flash or something, not the forum.

My computer does everything just fine other than uploading photo's which sometimes crashes. My phone acts as others have found, there are no buttons to press (i use full site, not mobile site)

A lot of the time if pressing ok on the picture popup box, flash will end up crashing and i can't even refresh the page. I have also been encountering a lot of issues with flash since a recent update.


Well-Known Member
:neutral: not sure how you came up with this conclusion.... admin is working on it.
lol it was just a statement bro......I just haven't heard anything "official" about it other than people saying they have been having trouble now for the past 2 days.