diatamaceous earth, aphid problem?!?!

i have 2 plants in a windowsill of my house, they are 2 weeks old, almost to the day, they look pretty good in my opinion(will post pics later maybe), today i was l ookin at one of my plants and there were two lil black bugs looked like they were almost sucking on the leaves kinda?! in my opinion thought they might be aphids, so i sprinkled food grade diatamaceous earth, on under and top side of my plants, and picked the aphids off, i know this shit is prolly incoherent as fuck, but ayye, im flyin high, and so am i (:


Moderatrix of Journals
aphids will eat just about any softbodied plant, including cannabis. (what you want to watch out for, i've heard, is something evil called "root aphids") (*knocking wood*).
i love d. earth. it's just about the most effective safe pest-control option out there, we mix it right into our topdress because it works on soil-borne larvae as well.

just fyi: i've heard you don't want to get it on actual buds/flowers.
thanks for the info, i just was kinda worried about burning the plants, but thats cool, its just bag seeed, and i actually got some better seed recently im bout to germ