Diatomaceous Earth hempy bucket

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I thought I'd be new and creative and fuck with the hempy bucket because it worked to good. Tried hempy bucket method with perlite vermiculite and got almost an ounce per plant (eight plants under 400w hps in 2x4x5 tent).
I love Diatomaceous Earth (DE). I want to grow in it. Here's a link to see its benefits http://www.diatomitecanada.com/why-use-diatomaceous-earth.htm. I grew a giant pepper plant in it and it worked fine outdoors. I think its water retention is to much to use on its own though and my clones are all stunted. Also plants under flourescent t8s had mold appear but under cfl or hps surface was mold free. Thats why I think it holds to much water is that the brighter lights dried the surface preventing mold.
It might not be the DE's fault but has anyone used it before? Should I mix in perlite? If so what ratio? This stuff is very porous, think bigger kitty litter. Any ideas? Here's where i got it http://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/CatalogItemDetail.aspx?R=NOD8822_0006414227
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
Well I thought this would get more interest I know some people have tried it but never really finish... I'm posting some pictures taken a week last weeks post. The plants are regaining their green I'm using Carl Poole CRF fertilizer and it was taking its time activating but the plants are definitely getting nitrogen now. I thought they were all gonna die but they're turning green and growing so I think it was just waiting for the ferts to kick in. My daughter uprooted the sickliest looking one so I'm down to seven. I only took pictures of 6/8 because those were the new starts with the problems. The other 2 are about 4 months old and I kept them in small containers to keep them small. My outdoor crop was hacked down but they weren't noticed so I brought them in.
The one buy itself is little dead dude may he RIP.
If this gets any interest I'll update it at least once a week with more pics of all of it. Any advice is appreciated.

