Diatomaceous Earth on leaves? Or just soil?

I put it everywhere except on the flowers that need pollinated. I am batteling aphids and ants in my vegetable garden. Get a little duster. I am using s three prong approach. Diatomaceous earth, spinosad and purecrop 1. I didn't realize that spinosad does not work on sucking insects like aphids. By the time I figured it out they doubled in population.
Yes, if I've got pests, and in most cases it's best to throw it underneath the leaves for thrips/mites. It wont hurt anything, but I would plan on doing bud washing.
be careful its very bad to inhale and contains heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and cadmium
I know I think I inhaled a lil bit, u think ill be alright ? Didn't have a reaction really but forgot to put mask back on when moving my plant that had it all over the soil
I put it everywhere except on the flowers that need pollinated. I am batteling aphids and ants in my vegetable garden. Get a little duster. I am using s three prong approach. Diatomaceous earth, spinosad and purecrop 1. I didn't realize that spinosad does not work on sucking insects like aphids. By the time I figured it out they doubled in population.
Do you put all that in the lil duster? I got a duster that came with the DE just used it today Works good
DE goes on really easy if you spray instead of dusting. Use 4 tablespoons per gallon of water and keep it shaken up while spraying. There's less chance of breathing it. Just don't breath the spray.

At harvest when you wash your bud it will all wash off.