Diatomaceous Earth


Well-Known Member
Does Diatomaceous Earth have to say food grade or is this ok? I'm asking before I buy it. I have a gnat issue and I'm trying to remedy the situation. shopping.jpeg


Well-Known Member
In addition..if I had a fungus gnat issue I would place a 2" layer of sand on top of the soil and get some organic spray for the plant as long as it is not in flowering. Just IMHO though



Well-Known Member
This is quoted from the link I posted before..

What type of Diatomaceous Earth is this?

Beware. Not all DE is the same. Our DE is made of Silicon Dioxide. This comes from a freshwater source. It is the same type that is used in food-grade diatomaceous earth. Other products made of Diatomite DE are made from unnatural sources.


Well-Known Member
I had gnats with my first 4 clones i bought. Fine layer of food grade DE mixed into the top 1/4" cured problem in 4 days. No sand, pesticides or anything needed
Same, it's amazing stuff. My only issue is being sloppy and getting it on the leaves while sprinkling, it's really hard to get that stuff off once it's been deposited onto a leaf.