Dicks and Walmart Violated Civil Rights ?


Well-Known Member
If anyone is a racist or discriminates against a race its you pal...nobody said blacks want ti be me kr like whites... But wtfe... I have black guys and girls iv made good friends w.. Not black ppl that like you though.. Nobody wants to hear your stupid bs... And ill be a gun packing fool for ever if that's what you want to call me... Cause your little laws will never be to the point that they matter or affect ne in the least... Even if they did i.. Along with many more American citizens will nkt follow those bs laws designed to look like they are doing good when they are making the people more defenseless to what the gov really plans on doing...
You are too funny. Such a sterotypical "not racist" white man. It's almost as if you were coached in what to say.

Your posts are cut almost exactly from a satirical post by Michael Harriot. I expect your too fragile stomach can handle your reading all of the following but I'll post this extract from a wonderful piece because I like it. A lot.


The Top 10 Phrases Used by People Who Claim They Are Not Racist
10. “Why must everything have to be about race?”

One of the most used ideas in the not-racist handbook is that talking about race creates divisiveness. The theory rests on the premise that the more people point out racism, the more ... umm ... I really don’t know how the second part works.

9. “I dated a black guy/girl ... ”
A few days ago I received a message from a not-racist woman who genuinely wanted to know why I used the phrase “white people” (and its more hilarious cousin, “wypipo”). I patiently replied to her (I don’t always clap back, but when I do, it’s in the mailbag), and she wrote back that she understood. She explained that she wasn’t racist because her ex-husband was black and she had half-black children.

8. “I don’t see color.”
Here is the thing: The idea of a post-racial society is really the desire for a white society. Even nonracist Caucasians don’t mind this because they don’t understand that whiteness has surpassed the classification of a racial category in America and has become the default.

7. “You’re the racist!”
In the September 2013 global quarterly Not-Racists, the executive board decided to introduce a clever bit of trickery into the racial discussion in America. According to the memo obtained by The Root, Caucasians were instructed to respond to any claims of racism, no matter how subtle, with the charge that black people were the racist ones. Since then, according to a poll never conducted by Pew Research, claims of reverse racism have risen more than 389 percent.

6. “I grew up around black people.”
When asked why the white boys raised on slave plantations; the millennials who went to integrated schools but carried tiki torches in Charlottesville, Va.; and Darren Wilson, who worked his entire career as a police officer in a majority-black town before he shot Michael Brown Jr., still had remnants of racism in their bloodstreams, white people collectively paused, gazed at their flip-flops for a few brief seconds and replied, “Why does everything have to be about race?”

5. “Not all white people ... ”
Nothing upsets the #NotRacist stomach more than hearing the phrase “white people” used in any capacity. Only the term “white privilege” causes more consternation.

4. “Go back to Africa!”
Not-racists believe that America belongs to them and that whiteness endows them with the power to excommunicate the offenders of their country at will. This, too, is white privilege.

3. “Why must you always be the victim?”
Another not-racist premise posits that when black people play the “race card,” they are blaming the failures of black people on racism. According to them, we want to make white people the villains and ourselves the victims.

2. “I don’t want to sound racist, but ... ”
I have been told, on numerous occasions, to never consider anything after “but.” The oldest sleight of hand in the book of racism magic is to proclaim oneself “not racist.” It is a wondrous trick that never works.
It’s akin to R. Kelly opening up a day care center and using the motto, “I’m not a pedophile, but I’d love to babysit your kids!”

1. “Make America great again.”
I can’t even ...


Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

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Well-Known Member
Lmfao.. Youre close... Really close... Except im on the east coast... Go cast a line elsewhere dumb fuck


Well-Known Member
Not all points you made are in my line up of my coached lines.. But it would be some black guy who worte that shit... Most if it is true when.. Like you are the racist.. Whatever way u wanna cut it fuck boy yoy have a problem w a race... Try to make it better..but u know inside you are.. You're a fucking idiot.. Goes double for buck..im sick of this balck victim bs... It happens.. It happens w everybody... Get a clue..


Well-Known Member
The military will never start another civil war... Although there should be one aginst people like you... Maybe you will stick by your "guns" and not use fire arms..maybe you can bitch the opposition away.. If anyone could you have a shot


Well-Known Member
Lmfao.. Youre close... Really close... Except im on the east coast... Go cast a line elsewhere dumb fuck
Hey, not racist gun owner who doesn't respect laws that are intended to keep people safe. Do you know that because you and your ilk have done nothing to promote gun safety and reduce gun violence that people who don't own guns but outnumber you more than 3:1 will make it harder to buy guns and will restrict the sales of particular guns going forward?

The objective isn't to take guns away from harmless people and assuming you are one of them nobody cares about the guns you already have. Just don't sell them without following laws that are meant to prevent the gun from getting into the hands of people who shouldn't have them. The penalty for doing that and the likelihood of getting caught doing that will go up.

The objective is to bring rates of gun homicides, mass shootings and injuries from gun accidents down to those of other similar nations. Like Canada or Australia. You gun owners could have taken ownership for this issue and you would probably have done a better job. But you won't. It's just a matter of a few more mass murders before the non-gun owning super majority has had enough. There will be nothing you and the NRA can do once that happens. You could have had it your way. We wouldn't really care about guns if they didn't cause such mayhem on a daily basis. I think you could have done a better job. I can almost guarantee you won't like what we do.


Well-Known Member
Not all points you made are in my line up of my coached lines.. But it would be some black guy who worte that shit... Most if it is true when.. Like you are the racist.. Whatever way u wanna cut it fuck boy yoy have a problem w a race... Try to make it better..but u know inside you are.. You're a fucking idiot.. Goes double for buck..im sick of this balck victim bs... It happens.. It happens w everybody... Get a clue..
OK, not racist. It's very common for white men to tell people who aren't white men how they should think. I think what you said here was number ten (why does it always have to be about race). Also number three. (sick of talking about race)

LOL. Keep it up. You are on a roll. Very funny this.


Well-Known Member
but you just said you needed your guns to fight them off when the government uses them to attack you.
But but... Hey at the end of the day none of this will pass... So we will see there fogdog... Id be willing to lay down my life to bet in it... Nothing that affects how i own kr buy guns will happen... So at the end of the we win and not to mention my wiener is bigger

regoob eht

Well-Known Member
Guns are for people that are afraid. Gun manufacturers have to make money somehow and convincing Americans that they NEED to have guns or bad things will happen is just great marketing.. guns are basically beanie babies for middle aged guys that feel powerless and afraid.


Well-Known Member
Guns are for people that are afraid. Gun manufacturers have to make money somehow and convincing Americans that they NEED to have guns or bad things will happen is just great marketing.. guns are basically beanie babies for middle aged guys that feel powerless and afraid.
Maybe where u live.. No.. Not even there... Guns are for people who are outdoorsmen... Who use them to hunt and shoot for competition... They are a tool... And yes i do have one that i keep for protection... Iv had a gun since i was four yo.. So what was i scared of... My state has the most armed households in the US... And one of if not the least gun violence in the country... Soo... And the most of the gun violence is from black drug dealers and gang members who came from Detroit.. Not our states citizens.... So everyone with your bs numbers are fucking dumb


Well-Known Member
Maybe where u live.. No.. Not even there... Guns are for people who are outdoorsmen... Who use them to hunt and shoot for competition... They are a tool... And yes i do have one that i keep for protection... Iv had a gun since i was four yo.. So what was i scared of... My state has the most armed households in the US... And one of if not the least gun violence in the country... Soo... And the most of the gun violence is from black drug dealers and gang members who came from Detroit.. Not our states citizens.... So everyone with your bs numbers are fucking dumb
be honest, you voted for hillary clinton didn't you

regoob eht

Well-Known Member
Maybe where u live.. No.. Not even there... Guns are for people who are outdoorsmen... Who use them to hunt and shoot for competition... They are a tool... And yes i do have one that i keep for protection... Iv had a gun since i was four yo.. So what was i scared of... My state has the most armed households in the US... And one of if not the least gun violence in the country... Soo... And the most of the gun violence is from black drug dealers and gang members who came from Detroit.. Not our states citizens.... So everyone with your bs numbers are fucking dumb
What do you and guns have in common???? Youre both tools. Keep buying those guns, the manufacturer's stock holders appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
What do you and guns have in common???? Youre both tools. Keep buying those guns, the manufacturer's stock holders appreciate it.
What do you and a crack heads piggy bank have in common... A lack of sense...ha get it... See its a play on words.. Not my best but hey i just came up w it


Well-Known Member
People like you over look the whole picture... It doesn't matter to you if the people who are not doing anything bad w guns suffer... But thats the wway of you idiots.. Your way or no way...guess what.. Itll be no way cause its not gonna happen


Well-Known Member

this guy is saying crackheads like you lack sense. you gonna just put up with that?
Man that Wooden spoon you pack in your back pocket to stir shit with is gonna get broke off in your ass one day... Not saying u wouldnt enjoy that.. But if you ever left your comp and got involved in actual humanity and actee like that... You might learn to stfu