Dick's Stopped Being Dicks..


Well-Known Member

probably wise to avoid simple spelling mistakes when calling people uneducated, princess prissy pants.

and yes, you contradicted yourself. yelling "shall not be infringed!" like a butthurt crybaby is what is known as an absolutist position. sponsoring regulations is not. regulations could be called infringements.

you are hopelessly fucking dumb, white.
Said it before and I'll say it again. This is quite obviously a subject you know next to nothing about. But you sit on your ass on an internet forum all day every day. This is the only human interaction you get. And I pitty you honestly.

The most ironic man on the planet.


Well-Known Member
You have no proof other than some bogus news site.

His name was Nikolas de Jesus Cruz. Sounds white as fuck huh?
sounds like a spanish surname. spain is in europe. europe is mostly white.

every single news outlet s reporting on his swastika mags and training at white supremacist paramilitary camps

Screenshot 2018-03-01 at 11.11.13 AM.png

you deny reality because you are weak, same reason you own a gun. weakling.



Well-Known Member
Anywho, I'm done with these. It's extremely difficult to debate someone when you're highly educated on the subject (myself) and you have people who would flail like that man-child int he CNN video when holding a gun (captain ironic).

Keep bitching on an internet forum, you're the real hero.


Well-Known Member
i literally just educated you on your own contradictory positions on the subject.

beta cuck
You've literally taught me nothing lmao. You just throw fits and call names. Again, you've clearly never seen a gun. Hell, I'm not even convinced you've seen daylight recently.

Time to get out of the house bud, these forums are great and all, but there's life beyond them. Real human interaction is necessary or your brain gets fucked up. You're a prime example of this, again, truly sad. Goodbye princess.


Well-Known Member
You've literally taught me nothing lmao. You just throw fits and call names. Again, you've clearly never seen a gun. Hell, I'm not even convinced you've seen daylight recently.

Time to get out of the house bud, these forums are great and all, but there's life beyond them. Real human interaction is necessary or your brain gets fucked up. You're a prime example of this, again, truly sad. Goodbye princess.
how badly are you crying right now

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
nah, splattering .22 rounds is cheap and effective at killing too. A Ruger .22 may have been the first gun used in a school shooting.
dad bought it for his mentally ill daughter, same shit going on today with video game looking rifles instead.
Gonna have to suffice with a weaponized rambo looking bolt action .22 my friend, if this continues

If it isn't going to be a reasonable approach, then Im a no go. Including 6 shooters and varmint/target rounds is a knee jerk reaction imo.

It isn't the games, its the parents.

I have a couple semi autos. I'll suffice with those because even though this will continue, no one is coming for them in the near future.


Well-Known Member
If it isn't going to be a reasonable approach, then Im a no go. Including 6 shooters and varmint/target rounds is a knee jerk reaction imo.

It isn't the games, its the parents.

I have a couple semi autos. I'll suffice with those because even though this will continue, no one is coming for them in the near future.



Well-Known Member
A super majority of Americans want much stricter go control laws, you klansock

It’s just a majority. Supermajority is a catch word to make it sound bigger. A political language tv trick.

It’s a pretend concept. Like polling a certain area or group of people and pretending that percentage works for everyone everywhere. And if it were an actual thing don’t you think 90% would be a “super” majority.

If you polled the same question to my area you would likely still get a super majority of people who want their assault rifles.

If people did their jobs instead of looked the other way selfishly the problem would be minimized majorly. It is still a people problem no matter how much you cry about the guns.