Did God Create Man?


Well-Known Member
You people are so blind. God created you, yet you want to create your own God.

That's not how it is. Deal with it. Spoiled, whiny, children.

"Every knee will bow and every tongue confess 'Jesus Christ is Lord'."

Most of you will be confessing too late as you choose to follow your folly.

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
You people are so blind. God created you, yet you want to create your own God.

That's not how it is. Deal with it. Spoiled, whiny, children.

"Every knee will bow and every tongue confess 'Jesus Christ is Lord'."

Most of you will be confessing too late as you choose to follow your folly.
Where's your evidence to back this up? There is no use spreading this bullshit if you have no proof of what you're saying is true. And don't give me this faith bullshit. Faith is believing in something without any need of evidence, and that is ridiculous. And an old ass book is NOT sufficient evidence.

If you want to believe these fairy tales, then fine. But don't act as if you are superior to non-believers, or that you are a better person for believing in a God.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a quote.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

- Stephen Roberts


New Member
Where's your evidence to back this up? There is no use spreading this bullshit if you have no proof of what you're saying is true. And don't give me this faith bullshit. Faith is believing in something without any need of evidence, and that is ridiculous. And an old ass book is NOT sufficient evidence.

If you want to believe these fairy tales, then fine. But don't act as if you are superior to non-believers, or that you are a better person for believing in a God.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a quote.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

- Stephen Roberts
That quote is excellent. I've read it before, but this takes nothing from it's impact. Any god believers finally understand why gods do not exist yet?


Well-Known Member
Where's your evidence to back this up? There is no use spreading this bullshit if you have no proof of what you're saying is true. And don't give me this faith bullshit. Faith is believing in something without any need of evidence, and that is ridiculous. And an old ass book is NOT sufficient evidence.

If you want to believe these fairy tales, then fine. But don't act as if you are superior to non-believers, or that you are a better person for believing in a God.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a quote.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

- Stephen Roberts

Your argument is not with me.

I don't act is if I am superior to anyone.

You don't know me at all.

You don't know a thing.


Well-Known Member
You people are so blind. God created you, yet you want to create your own God.

That's not how it is. Deal with it. Spoiled, whiny, children.

"Every knee will bow and every tongue confess 'Jesus Christ is Lord'."

Most of you will be confessing too late as you choose to follow your folly.

so then what happens to me? :confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
ps I'll pray for you

will you really? or do you just say that? will you pray for me too? where do you find the time? will your prayers be answered? how will I know you have helped me? i would like to say thanks. what if i prayed for myself but didn't "really" believe? i guess god knows when i'm lying. what will he do to me for that? will i be struck by lightning? burn in hell? this all really confuses me. there are MORE non-believers in one particular god than there are believers. so is god losing? which god? does majority rule? and what's with the child molesters? was that really necessary? :confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
I'm the product of Divine creation but the rest of you are all an Evolutionary happenstance.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
cant speak for the rest of the animal world, but as for humans I reckon aliens came down, fucked apes and here we are. just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
will you really? or do you just say that? will you pray for me too? where do you find the time? will your prayers be answered? how will I know you have helped me? i would like to say thanks. what if i prayed for myself but didn't "really" believe? i guess god knows when i'm lying. what will he do to me for that? will i be struck by lightning? burn in hell? this all really confuses me. there are MORE non-believers in one particular god than there are believers. so is god losing? which god? does majority rule? and what's with the child molesters? was that really necessary? :confused::confused:
wow. wound pretty tight, eh fdd? you're still looking the wrong way by asking me. I can't save you. it's between you and God, not me, brother.


Well-Known Member
Its really easy to pray at any time in your life. And if you pray for yourself and you dont believe in god then your actually are believing that there is a god and he will know that you are making an effort to seek him. If faith is something you believe in then you can never go wrong, because its something you believe in,And when another persone prays for you , yes in a matter of time that prayer will be answered and sometimes when you want Jesus to move you forward sometimes he wont because you won't let go of the things that are holding you back from success.

really you have no need to be confused about it. You dont have to agree or disagree about anything people tell you about their god(s).
Just keep an open mind about it.

will you really? or do you just say that? will you pray for me too? where do you find the time? will your prayers be answered? how will I know you have helped me? i would like to say thanks. what if i prayed for myself but didn't "really" believe? i guess god knows when i'm lying. what will he do to me for that? will i be struck by lightning? burn in hell? this all really confuses me. there are MORE non-believers in one particular god than there are believers. so is god losing? which god? does majority rule? and what's with the child molesters? was that really necessary? :confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
wow. wound pretty tight, eh fdd? you're still looking the wrong way by asking me. I can't save you. it's between you and God, not me, brother.

loose as a goose. YOU said you would pray for someone. why no answers to my questions?

what will happen to me if i don't believe? specifically.


Well-Known Member
Its really easy to pray at any time in your life. And if you pray for yourself and you dont believe in god then your actually are believing that there is a god and he will know that you are making an effort to seek him. If faith is something you believe in then you can never go wrong, because its something you believe in,And when another persone prays for you , yes in a matter of time that prayer will be answered and sometimes when you want Jesus to move you forward sometimes he wont because you won't let go of the things that are holding you back from success.

really you have no need to be confused about it. You dont have to agree or disagree about anything people tell you about their god(s).
Just keep an open mind about it.

but without god i've been doing so well. holding me back? church people always make it sound like my life is fucked. i'm fine, content, peaceful. i don't get it. :confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
What i meant by holding you back, things that hurt you, make you sad, make you feel like giving up. I am sooooo not sayn drugs held you back cause some people are doing just fine with drugs and are like still in the money. But if you dont think that you dont need god then so be it. Its just that other people try and give you something that they wanna call good news just because they were glad to hear about it everday of their lifes. And they just think that you might want in on this news but dont worry if you want to believe if you dont then dont. Your human.


Well-Known Member
What i meant by holding you back, things that hurt you, make you sad, make you feel like giving up. I am sooooo not sayn drugs held you back cause some people are doing just fine with drugs and are like still in the money. But if you dont think that you dont need god then so be it. Its just that other people try and give you something that they wanna call good news just because they were glad to hear about it everday of their lifes. And they just think that you might want in on this news but dont worry if you want to believe if you dont then dont. Your human.

i'm at home making bubble hash with a friend. we are playing my guitars, drinking my beers, using all my hash making equipment. i'm telling my friend how happy i am and my life is really settling into a nice groove. he walks over puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "you know what you need? you need to come to my church." wtf? what I need. why? :confused: who said i needed anything. it seems all my friends are all trying to "help" me. help me with what? i pretty much have what i need and a few things i wanted. i just don't get it.