Did I already kill 7 plants?


Active Member
hi - ima noob too
i've made soooooooooooo many mistakes, dude........
but - it has SERIOUSLY accelerated the learning curve, if you know what i mean
i, personally, wouldn't wait shit.
i'd go to wal mart and spend the cost of 1 of those seeds to get myself a JIFFY SEED STARTER KIT and a bottle of DISTILLED WATER.
i'd come home and - 1 at a time - i'd get a BIG ol hand ful of that dirt so that i was absolutely certain i wasn't damaging that little bugger and i'd put that into a bowl of warm water which will dissolve the dirt, exposing the germed seed
i'd get that lil cat and i'd put HER in HER new home
i'd keep doing that until i rescued every 1 of them whether they need it or not.
as long as you don't break that "tail" poking out of the seed casing, you won't do any damage
be careful and take your time
you'll be fine

obviously, because - as i wrote this - they're sprouting

i stand by this though - it's what i would have done

take control, man - don't sit around fretting.
no more miracle grow - miracle grow baaaaaaad


Active Member
I used MG soil one time. As I was scooping it out...putting it in the pots...there were all these scary prehistoric larva centipede bug things in the soil...then I actually found a cigarette butt in there (I'm a smoker - but really?)

But again...I was using MG soil because Walmart was the only store open on New Years Eve...and MG was all they had...and I NEEDED it. It did not burn or kill my plants...but those creepy bug things sure freaked me out.



Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow is trash, why would u put your plant into a pile of nasty shit like that.....
If you have the option to get something else, it would probably be better, but if it's what you can get it's what you can get. Not everyone is willing to spend $20 on a bag of FFOF. As long as you know how your soil works and know how to feed your soil what it needs so your plant gets what it wants, you can use any soil and still get good results.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
if you wanna use MG, moisture control is a realllly good one to use. I start mine in rock wool or peat moss the first week and a half then transplant to that. It actually has worked better for me personally than a lot of recommended stuff like foxfarms. I've never found anything weird in it, starting in rock wool or peat moss has kept them from getting burned, and the moisture control really works out well.


Active Member
it takes patience when trying to sprout.. mine took about a week to break ground

and i also use MG... you just gotta monitor it all the time.. my plants seem to respond very fast if they dont like something... so instead of watering all at once.. now i water a little bit at a time... about 3 times in small incriments during the day... that way i can monitor thier reactions


Active Member
I use Miracle Grow Organics Choice and mix it with FFOF & some Perlite. With the price of FFOF I try and stetch that dollar a little.

ill tell u how i germinate...
plant seeds into moist soil. keep the pots (i use little plastic seeds starter trays..you've seen them)on a heating mat and soil temps about 70 f
water as needed. its the warm moist part that is important. u must have dried those seedlings out. try a humidity dome. and or mist a lot

try MG organic choice. it WILL work.WON'T burn...unless you add fertilizer to it.
Moisture Control is what I got hopping it could help prevent me from over watering but am truly pissed about the infestation of bugs in the soil (either Home Depot or MG fault one or the other)


Well-Known Member
I personally don't like moisture control, especially with time released nutes. If you over water and over fert your plant with watering it and you have all those moisture control crystals in the soil, it can make things worse, and there isn't much you can do since there are the water absorbing crystals in them.

I got "Sta-Green" soil for my first grow, and I don't think I'll be using it again. Just my two cents and my experience.