Did I Germinate Too Long?

I let my babies be for five days in a wet towel. I checked them a few minutes ago to find mass horror....I think.
They have almost all grown to about 2" and have shed the seed. Have I killed them or can they still be put in soil? I have seen that some people have waited a while but I wasn't sure because they are out of their seeds. Can I plant them? Should I leave the very tip poking out or plant them and cover them like normal? Helppppp?


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Staff member
If they are still moist you have a chance.
Get them into the ground & give them a drink. . .
*Crosses fingers*.

Welcome to RIU LGF.
Oh they are alive they are STILL growing they aren't showing any signs of turning brown or anything so I am hopeful they will keep it up when they get in the soil:] Do you think I should leave them alone or give them a bit of B-1 to help them along a bit...I know you shouldn't normally give them anything this young but maybe it could help?


Well-Known Member
i prefer to let them get that tap root long...2 inch is a little long but should be fine...bury 99% of that and water ...just leave tip poking through almost flush with the top soil.
They are happily in soil now I will update as soon as they sprout lol until then I will be sitting here with my fingers crossed...anyone have good word on the whole heating pad thing for them? I have heard mixed reviews on doing this