Did I get ripped off?

I got a bundle of seeds from a website, many different strains.

When I look up these strains, they look nothing like the ones I have.

This is my Blue Dream - which is supposed to be sativa dominant, but the leaves aren't thin

View attachment 4091153

And this is my Skywalker OG, looks exactly the same!

View attachment 4091154

Blue Dream (up) and Skywalker OG (down) side by side

View attachment 4091155
Look up phenotype. Just like your brothers or sisters don't look like you. There will be some variance in each strain.
Even in his video it looks different :-x

The whole reason I got seeds was to make sure I know exactly what I'm smoking. Now it's not so sure again :/

What are phenos?

Geneotype is the genetic make-up of the plant. The Phenotype (Pheno) is the physical characteristics of a plant.
There's probably other's who can give a more detailed explaination than myself. Search "Genotype vs Phenotype" in the search bar, there's probably a few threads around.
The whole thin leaf is sativa and fat leaf are indica doesn't ways hold true. Like the oxacan varieties. They are sativas but have wider leaf blades than most sativas.

Environment can also effect leaf expression some.

You also have to remember that some strains are clone only, like blue dream, and breeders reproduced them in seed form so they won't look like the original.