Did I induce flowering?

Here's what I've got going on, I have one plant that I started a while ago, got my med card and started a real grow and figured i'd add this one in, but I believe my plant is maturing. I think it has pre flowers. which I'm not sure is good. See I've got one plant that is much larger than the others. My plan was to just let the large plant veg untill the others are ready to flower (Giving me one gigantic plant). Then change the cycle and there you have it. But, I think I'm hitting a road block. I think I've got pre flowers. Now every picture I've seen of a female calax has been a tear drop looking thing with 2 hairs comming out of it I've got some of these around the 6th or 7th internode. Is this supposed to happen during veg? if not, will I be able to leave this plant in veg for another 4 to 5 weeks?

Here's a lil history of this plant
It's been in veg for a while ...maby 6 or 7 weeks. it was started under a 200w cfl, moved to a temp. home under a portion of a dual 4' T5 for about 3 weeks. Now shes been back at home and went back under a 200w cfl for about a week then got upgraded to a tent and a 400w Mh. light, that's where I may have fucked up. In their temporary home they were on 18/6 as they've been back home they've been 24/0. I have had to leave the light on to keep the tent warm. I just installed a heater so hopefully that's solved. Now I'm ready to start giving them a night cycle.

Do you think just by changing the intensity and cycle (not spectrum) can induce flowering? comments? suggestions?



Well-Known Member
I dont think you did anything that doesnt happen in nature, other than the 24/0 lights. There are days that are brighter than others, or objects block the sun or are moved out of the way.

The increased light expsosure, if anything, will trick the plant into thinking that its spring again and the 18/6 for a couple of days was fall/winter. This could cause it to show pre flowers. Pre flowers are just a sign of maturing, not a sign of your plant going into the flowering stage. Any adverse reactions to the light shifting will manifest itself in a temporary slowing of growth and some new leaf deformation.

To get your plant to flower and keep it in flower, you have to change the lights to 12/12 and keep them that way for a week or so. So far looks good!


Well-Known Member
Some genetics will show sex early on in the vegging process some won't show until several weeks into flowering. Nothing out of the ordinary happening there, just a plant that shows sex early.


It sounds normal to me. When my girls were vegging, we had 2 very large plants on the sides of the tent with four 1ft tall lil plants in the middle. The tall ones hogged all the light, casting shade during the veg process. The little ones all grew pistils early. I waited a little while and then induced flowering because I knew they were girls and was pretty excited about it.

When they are deprived light, sometimes they show their sex early and from what I've read (there's a myth that subtle light deprivation can guarantee female plants) it could be why it's showing female sex ....and it could also be the reason you have a female!



Well-Known Member
Unless you have an autoflower strain, it's just preflowers (which will show on every female, if vegged for long enough) - it is simply a sign of sexual maturity, not of flowering. You can continue vegging her, until you're ready.