Did I jus BURN the crap out of my PLANTS? SWITCHED TO 600 MH!!! INSTANT HELP PLEASE!!


I know you can see the deficiency, but they are recovering from it quiet nicely!!! I started with 12x T8 4 foot florescent 6500k bulbs about 4 to 6 inches away from the top and I Just switched to a 600 MH about 30 inches away!!!! heat stayed similar !!! just under 84 degrees from the top!!! BUT WTF HAPPENED !!! burn.jpgburn (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
This is not looking good. It does look burnt with a lack of color or whatever. Can you tell us what type of dirt and nutes your using or is this top secret? :lol:


Happy frog dirt and I havent been giving it nutes since I overdosed it with foxfarm Grow big the first feed accidently!!! Should I justgive it a small dose?


Try giving it half doses of nutes an see how it reacts. Under 84 is great an 30 inches from your lights is plenty.
Also, what water are you using?


Well-Known Member
After burning did you flush or been given it plain water for how long?
How much Big Grow did you give when you burnt it? I'll give 2 tsp BG
that's it! The chart goes up to 3 tsp I did it one time and burnt my shit.
The new growth don't look burnt? Once it burnt it's burnt them leave
will stay burnt.


Well-Known Member
6 is wayyyyy too much, for a full grown plant you only need 3-4 ts's per gallon. Luckily the food flushes pretty easily


Active Member
just start at 1/4 nutes of recommended amount and gradually at more...and just like ghetto grower said look at new growth to check it..if it works..burned leaves wont get better but dont get worse either..