Did I just blow it


Well-Known Member
I hope not.so here it is,my first and until now,my first rookie mistake was buy reg beans,no big deal though vegging plants is vegging plants.i figured good practice just growing it anyway..just keeping it happy,training ,sexing etc.that being said I knew id have males to cull.I switched photoperiod on Wednesday and have been watching my plants daily,almost obsessed like a typical noob.today i found these on one of the plants and removed it immediately .my question is 1.how did this happen on day 4 when every thing ive read say it'll take 1-2 wks for sex to show.
2.have I missed my window and are these open to the point my grow is trashed.
For what its worth no other plant is showing anything 20170130_095957.jpg 20170130_100058.jpg 20170130_095957.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's probably a male. The only way to tell would be to wait till you see one or two more of those. If so. Then remove that plant.

Unless the others do it too. I wouldn't worry.

I mean. On my first grow. I planted about 3 random bag seeds. One was male. One died. And the last one was female. That's luck of the draw.

I'm on my second grow. Same deal. Using bag seeds. Just waiting to see what I've got. Ya just gotta have patience. And not go over doing it.

They look healthy otherwise. Good job.


Well-Known Member
I hope not.so here it is,my first and until now,my first rookie mistake was buy reg beans,no big deal though vegging plants is vegging plants.i figured good practice just growing it anyway..just keeping it happy,training ,sexing etc.that being said I knew id have males to cull.I switched photoperiod on Wednesday and have been watching my plants daily,almost obsessed like a typical noob.today i found these on one of the plants and removed it immediately .my question is 1.how did this happen on day 4 when every thing ive read say it'll take 1-2 wks for sex to show.
2.have I missed my window and are these open to the point my grow is trashed.
For what its worth no other plant is showing anything View attachment 3888802 View attachment 3888803 View attachment 3888802
Possibly it is trashed yes...but maybe not. That shit will grow overnight wont it?!?!! Dont worry aboit purp stems get that dude outta there


Well-Known Member
Ff,6.5 honestly havnt used much i fed small amounts earlier on and got some burn gave cal mag a couple of waters ago but im noob and the plants have looked ok ang growing strong to me so far.the stems have looked like that from start and do green up


Well-Known Member
Oh its out of there ok thanks guys i hope your wrong Diabolic lol cant believe 4 days....learning moment for sure


Well-Known Member
When the stems purp and the leaves react by yellowing thats the only time to fear the purple stems..then you know its lacking something and sick. Healthy purple stems will have flashes of green in them


Well-Known Member
I figured it was from the light. Since its only on the parts of the stems that it touches. That and my outdoor plants aren't doing it.


Well-Known Member
Anytime you have regular seeds to sex. ...watch them closely and check on them 2-3 times a day.. male balls will show up fast..and as you can see dont come from a node area but rather offset. The 1st sign is a little nub coming out


Well-Known Member
Heh. I'm still a n00b Diabolical666. Still picking things up.

And don't worry so much bam. We all stress like a mofo on our first grows. It's all about the learnamacation of the brain.

I stress a whole lot less after getting through my first run. There's just a lot to get up in there. Which is daunting to some.


Well-Known Member
Heh. I'm still a n00b Diabolical666. Still picking things up.

And don't worry so much bam. We all stress like a mofo on our first grows. It's all about the learnamacation of the brain.

I stress a whole lot less after getting through my first run. There's just a lot to get up in there. Which is daunting to some.
Rock on bro...maximum yields:weed:


Well-Known Member
20170124_055747.jpg This is them right before I flipped,i know a little crowded but as I said I knew id have culls.seem ok ,one down ? to go.would you guys grow them out and live with seeded bud if thats the case or tear down,clean and restart


Active Member
U dont ever wanna leave a male in a closed environment like that unless that's what you intend to do. Males will litter the female with seeds in indoor grows. You will almost literally be picking a seed for each hair there are on the bud.


Well-Known Member
Thanks i understand not to keep the male just that it got by a noob,me. I guess what i was trying to ask at the end was,after the work and expenses should i just keep on going cheking often and removing them as necessary ( i know always) and if any females are unfortunately pollinated,finish them and deal with seeded smoke then tear down clean restart or tear down as soon as females show there seeded.i think thats what im trying to say lol thanks
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