Did i kill my seeds?


Active Member
Hi i planted my germinated seeds into foxfarm soil last night, moisted the soil and planted seed and sprayed top layer with water soil.

Than i put it under 4 CFL lights about 6 inches high.
I went back after 10 hrs and i noticed ALL the soil is pretty much dry at top. I sprayed it ASAP with water to keep it moist again.

What are my chances these germinated seeds can be dead?

What else can i do to make the soil dry less? It is cuz of my humidity? I have 800%+ humid and 80f ish with lights on.
Is the soil drying so fast because of my small pots?

What can i do and is the seeds dead?



Well-Known Member
How can you have 800% humidity? 100% humidity is complete saturation - ie the highest amount of water the air can hold at that temperature. I think you mean 80? :P

The only real way to tell if your seeds are dead is to wait and see. I've seen seeds come back from totally dry soil when the taproot was no longer than 2cm long.

The best way to keep the soil moist if it's drying out too fast is to make a humidity dome. Get a sandwich bag or other clear plastic bag and cover the top of the soil with it, wrapping an elastic band or tape around it.

Similar to this - http://www.420magazine.com/gallery/data/829/humidity1.JPG

Once the seedlings have a fair root system take it off, otherwise they could dampen off (bottom of stem rots and the seedlings die).


Active Member
Yea humid is 80% i did presoak the soil but i was scare to overwatering them so i guess i didnt soak them enough so i just poured some water in the pots and than sprayed on top.

Hope this doesnt kill all my seeds. Im gonna try to spray them every 5~6 hrs now ..

When i water the soil, the water seems to soak down pretty fast into the soil. Does this mean its dry under?

Sorry for such a nub question.
Getting myself a moisture meter tommorow.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
cover the top of the pots with plastic wrap. lift the wrap a couple times each day for a few minutes. as soon as they pop through the soil take the plastic wrap off and get the light over them.
If your seeds are bomb then should be no prob, keep it moist like they said. Did your seeds pop lil white tails? I have tried direct light after germination and planting; and also no light until sprout after germination. I have had success both ways...Is there a "better" way? Keep o2 flowing but dont dry soil with fans.

Good luck and Respect


Active Member
I checked an hour later and the soil seems to dry up pretty dam fast.

Do you think i underwatered my soil in general thats the reason its drying so fast... Bout to put 1/4 cup of water into each pots.


Well-Known Member
Just calm down my man! The last time I put my seeds in soil, it took almost 9 days for them to pop up. U can relax...lol


Active Member
Yea man lol i think im kinda anxious. LOL
Well im letting them sit and i actually turnedd the lights off and gonna check on them every few hours and turn lights on when the seedlings pop out.

Out of curiosity , i digged up 1 of my plant to see what the seed was doing or if its dead and i saw the white tail going down into the soil and the seed still intact. So im guessing mines taking longer to come out of the soil becuase my seeds were not germinated long.

Glad to see white healthy looking tips! didnt even touch the seed, just moved over the soil and moved it back.!
Nice man...at least you are trying some shit and not giving up. If worst came to worst and they did not pop, take the seed out of pot and squeee it. If it crushes its no bueno if its rock hard nick it and throw it back in. Post some pics of the sprouts

Peace and Respect