Did I Make The Cookies Too Strong!?

Cannabinoid Froyd

Well-Known Member
A few days back I had made some no-bake cookies using some cannabutter I had made for myself.

I used 1-1/4oz of bud/sugar leaf (mostly bud) and steeped it in a lidded pot for about 8hrs. I'd get it to a bubbly simmer and shut the heat off for 20/30min letting the cannabis steep. Then I'd repeat the process for the remainder of 8hrs.

Cookies came out great. Only problem is it seems to be too potent. 2 cookies and I had a nice calming stony rush followed by an avalanche of anxiety with lots of giggle-fits post anxiety. Warned my friend to only have one per hour or so. He didn't listen. He also had a bad time. So much so that he handed back 2 of 4 cookies. Was kind of sad that I had made such a tasty cookie that is essentially too strong. I felt bad because he had such a bad time and because I felt like I failed.

I was just tired of trying edibles that never get you stoned and WHAM, stoned af.

What do you all think? Did I go overboard?
Just consume less.

The lady banned me from making edibles after a similar incident from some brownies I made. She had to call in sick for work the next day. She rarely smokes and prefers low THC high CBD stuff and has a very low tolerance. I was in the doghouse for awhile. She still brings it up years later.
Why not just eat a partial cookie...if an eddible is too strong I split it heck ill cut a gummy in half idgaf but for me I usually do 1oz to 2 sticks and then dose accordingly or cut it with noninfised butter.
I don't know why he didn't listen. He said he should have but apparently decided I didn't know enough or couldn't possibly have made cookies so strong. Even then, like you said, why not just take half a cookie or whatever sized piece that works? He was too scared to try again. To me it seemed like a copout to hand cookies back. So weird.
Just consume less.

The lady banned me from making edibles after a similar incident from some brownies I made. She had to call in sick for work the next day. She rarely smokes and prefers low THC high CBD stuff and has a very low tolerance. I was in the doghouse for awhile. She still brings it up years later.
Yeah. Kind of a bummer.
Edibles can really mess you up and by the time you realize you ate too much it's too late.
Absolutely. In the middle of laying down to help pass my anxiety I kept saying to myself, "Why not just one and one later so it doesn't hit you all at once..." Hindsight is a bitch, amirite? I knew full well what could happen, still didn't care. It was more of a need to know for me so I could "properly" give a reliable dose suggestion.

I have to say, the gigglefits sure was a fun part. Haven't felt that in 20yrs or so now.
Edibles can really mess you up and by the time you realize you ate too much it's too late.

OP, your friend handing them back sounds like he really overmedicated and is gun-shy now. Edibles work great for some, but are not my favorite because they last so long.
When I smoke, I know generally how long the effect will last - even if I overdo it and get paranoid/jumpy, it’ll wear off in a couple of hours. Overdo edibles and you can be in that state for 6-8 hours or more.
A friend once gave me some capsules of vaped bud and said that two were good for sleep. I took two at bedtime and woke up completely fucked up 8 hours later. I had a work meeting first thing too, it was awful.
I might check something like that out if it's accurate and dependable.
I compared it to a few different dispensary number and it was well within what they said it's range of accuracy. For me I honestly don't care what the exact number is I'm looking for a guideline to make dosing easier. Sure it may be a little off at times but it's way better than winging it. Once I got used to using it and understanding it I was able to cut WAY back. I realized you can have a 100mg or a 500 and in my opinion at a certain point you peak and it doesn't matter how much is in it. Kinda like drinking one more shot after having 5 do you really notice it lol
I use one ounce of ground primo per pound of butter. No shake or trim.
A teaspoon is a dose.

Last time I baked them my wife ate one cookie (about 1 tsp of butter) and wanted to go to the emergency room until I calmed her down.
I myself don't do edibles. Way too strong for me. My wife doesn't do them anymore either lol.
But there's plenty of friends and neighbors who look forward to 'em so I'll bake every now and then.
Every person metabolizes them different.
You can't tell people shit. They don't listen. I told a guy one time to only drink an 8oz jiggler full of shroom kool aid. I turned my back and he filled up a 44oz big gulp cup and downed it over about 15 minutes. He was so fucked up he could hardly move. Everyone else had come down so he had to trip all by himself for about 7-8 hours. He balled up in the fetal position in my buddy's recliner for about 4 hours. lol
You can't tell people shit. They don't listen. I told a guy one time to only drink an 8oz jiggler full of shroom kool aid. I turned my back and he filled up a 44oz big gulp cup and downed it over about 15 minutes. He was so fucked up he could hardly move. Everyone else had come down so he had to trip all by himself for about 7-8 hours. He balled up in the fetal position in my buddy's recliner for about 4 hours. lol
You really can’t tell people shit sometimes. We made jungle juice in a trash can for a party in college once as an option versus the beer keg. Probably 8-10 fifths of mixed hard liquor and a bunch of cut up fruit plus fruit punch concentrate jugs and water. I told a couple of young ladies to go easy because it was strong and they were guzzling it down. They were like “you’re full of shit, we can barely taste the alcohol”. A bunch of people ended up totally passed out and there were pinkish piles of puke all over the yard the next day. Fun times.