Did I Make The Cookies Too Strong!?

Some people are just too important to figure things out for themselves
Hmmmm well I can do the math but the thc checker is still a fun tool to have. Some people simply don't know how to do the math or cant especially considering in some cases they may not know the thc content of the flower.
Hmmmm well I can do the math but the thc checker is still a fun tool to have. Some people simply don't know how to do the math or cant especially considering in some cases they may not know the thc content of the flower.
Do you have your flower tested? I do not.
I usually just guess that its around 15% and do the math from there.. Sometimes that method does not work and i get high as f@$#!
Do you have your flower tested? I do not.
I usually just guess that its around 15% and do the math from there.. Sometimes that method does not work and i get high as f@$#!
I have not had it officily tested...yet but i have tested it with my tester at home. On my current grow I am looking into getting it lab tested so I can can compare to my home testing. Just for my own mental sanity. I'm big on numbers lol so it eats me up. I have compared the results with it to dispensary weed and it's on par with it I just want official numbers for the haters
I have compared the results with it to dispensary weed and it's on par with it I just want official numbers

I wouldn't rely on dispensary numbers anyway. Or from seed breeders for that matter. They have a vested interest in hyping numbers.

I generally use the lowest estimates and have fewer disappointments. Testing with a good lab is the best way to know.

IMHO very few buds on a plant are actually over 20% and the average isn't as high as the highest tested buds.
I make my cookies w 2 oz of fine second trim.
1/4 cookie gets you going like a joint to yourself.
1/2 cookie is my go-to four hour dose.
I make em thick and hard enough (she said) so they don’t break apart in your pocket. That way you don’t have a placket full of cookie mess or eat too much trying to avoid that.
Test in a safe place.

I made an assumption that my new batch was the same. Ate in the parking lot,
Rode 35 min of lifts and gondolas to the peak of Blackcomb glacier. Thought I was going to green out.
Had the “top of the roller coaster feeling” for about two hours.
Sat down for a panic poop, and had to be reminded that snowboarding is fun,
Being high is fun,
We will be alright and have fun.

the rest of the day was epic.

I’m reminded of the “panic poop” situation every time I’m there now.
Edibles are a dicktease.

What fucking stoner eats A QUARTER of a cookie? :lol: :lol: :lol: lol

I was always one of those ppl "edibles don't affect me" til i got the dosage right. . ...or, wrong, LMAO. I had a piece of infused cheesecake that turned me into couch cushions at a Super Bowl party
I was always one of those ppl "edibles don't affect me" til i got the dosage right. . ...or, wrong, LMAO. I had a piece of infused cheesecake that turned me into couch cushions at a Super Bowl party

Lots of things to go wrong or right with edibles.

The strength can be affected by the decarbing, if lecithin was used or not, what the edible was eaten with, like caffine or sugar.

And the person. Some people metabilze cannabis better than others.
Ive always used frying pan and butter, cook over low heat for half hour to hour, drain butter or not lol add to double chocolate cake. An oz or 2 can get the party started off a bite or two. Even unsuspecting eaters will love it, the stromger the better. Buddy of mine brought a lb of extra extra strong gummie worms. I ate all them in ten minutes. He enjoyed watching me. L know l was high but not same as burning a blunt.
I think consuming one or a half cookie of your recipe is enough for you to get the result you wanted haha best to put it down to your experience.
Love that you told your friend 1 per hour, That’s Hard Core! A good bickie lasts a long time…I always test for strength before sharing so I can advise on a Goldilocks dose.
I'll eat one of mine setting for at least 3 hours.

Another Grower gave her a cookie I told her only eat half.

Called her next morning. You ate the whole cookie didn't you? She that dang thing knocked me out. LOL