I make my cookies w 2 oz of fine second trim.
1/4 cookie gets you going like a joint to yourself.
1/2 cookie is my go-to four hour dose.
I make em thick and hard enough (she said) so they don’t break apart in your pocket. That way you don’t have a placket full of cookie mess or eat too much trying to avoid that.
Test in a safe place.
I made an assumption that my new batch was the same. Ate in the parking lot,
Rode 35 min of lifts and gondolas to the peak of Blackcomb glacier. Thought I was going to green out.
Had the “top of the roller coaster feeling” for about two hours.
Sat down for a panic poop, and had to be reminded that snowboarding is fun,
Being high is fun,
We will be alright and have fun.
the rest of the day was epic.
I’m reminded of the “panic poop” situation every time I’m there now.