did i trim this right???


Well-Known Member
how bout this... you take the time to read my WHOLE muh fuccin thread and then you can say wow... it's in my muh fuccin sig...


Well-Known Member
is that the strain you think it is? i am still totally unsure... i was leaning toward the mex sativa, but a homie said he didnt think so... i guess i can go post a thread in the strain section and see what they think over there...


Well-Known Member
if ur that impatient like i am just grow auto flowering strains.. stop waistin ur time for that ish.. every 2 months i get a zip thats my word peace,,


Well-Known Member
did you read the thread? it had nothing to do with impatience... i am sorry if you dont understand... may god bless you with general knowledge one day...


Well-Known Member
aight... that is why you didnt even post harvest piks of your shit? you know that dude sharpies who said he was attempting that with bagseed... well that is wtf i did... i didnt rely on a breeder to make a strain short and autoflower for me, i took the time to research how to bonsai a plant and grow a plant the size of yours or grew it to be 6 feet if i wanted... how bout when you dont have to worry about taking mid terms to graduate high school, you can take some time to study this dear plant, instead of claiming to be a grower, when your plant had nute burn the whole time, it was a autoflower strain so you didnt have to worry about light cycles and the plant hermieing on you, you claim that it was genetics that made it so small... i have seen autoflower strains get 2 feet tall.... i dont know to much about autoflowers due to the fact i havent grown them, but what i have grown, i have done some research on... how bout you do that next time around and not burn the plant its whole life... that would be drug abuse mister...
hey great plant lol:P i grew a outdoor plant late too, first grow , its only like a foot and its almost done sprouted aug 25th so its around 2 and a half months its almost done;]i'll post some piks if you want haha

it was from shwag too but good shwag and grew really good and its purple :D the buds are ! haha well some :]

Good luck fellow stoner :P


Well-Known Member
hellz yeah homie... it looks like you are going to have 1 big cola... i think i would have had one as well if i hadnt prematurley trimmed and LSTed her... lst caused the uniformity of the cola to sorta seperate with the bends... either way it fit in my grow space perfectly... i want to do a outdoor grow... i will prolly start mine late to garuntee it stays small... i will probably give it a month to veg outdoor... i just gotta figure out when our season starts going to 12/12 where i live...