Did I wait to long? Plant smells slightly burnt? Smallest plant record.

This is my first grow with pictures. Is it ready to harvest? Or is it to late? Plants just over 6 weeks old.
First of this is a small plant, probably the smallests ive ever seen Anyways, this morning I woke up and it smells almost slightly burnt or some type of odd smell. Idk if that just means it maturing more?Its a Afgani Kush, or Kush yumbodlt bold It germinated around 28th of sept.Any help is appreciatedIMG_0382.jpgIMG_0385.jpg


Active Member
its a bud on a stick, but it was grown indoors (?) Im guessing. you might be able to produce a seed or two if you had some male pollen. work on a small indoor vegetative area if you want to grow them up bigger. cfls or fluorescents would be cheapest . number one I would work on my planting medium after each plant finishes. the dirt looks like backyard soil or like its mostly clay. for a few bucks you can get a little bag of perlite from the nursery , if you mix a handful in with the dirt before planting, your medium will be more porous and dry out faster , and grow better (oxygen to the roots). your bud on a stick might be really nice herb but , to get an ounce or more from a plant -if you so choose, harvest anytime and start vegging the next seedlings or clones after you reconsider the lighting, medium, irrigation and ventilation (fan). Did you neglect it or work too hard on it, I wonder?
Hey there thankyou for the reply and tips, lol yeah bud on stick :).
Yes good eye the soil does have clay, It was grown outdoors, under 12/12 from seed, but there wasnt a lot of sun unfortunitly, lots of clouds and some rainy days, always kept her out of the rain though.

It smells kind of like when you light hair on fire....It didnt smell like this yesterday.
I am worried I waited to long, mould is a problem here, but she doent look moudly though right?
Do I just cut off the top and dry it out? Do you think it is ready? Thanks so much for the help
Bump =) Is this tiny plant ready? or did I wait to long, what do you guys think?..
Its so small I guess I would just cut off the top and dry it right?


Active Member
How did you manage to grow something so tiny? Looks more like a clone that was cut in flower and never took off.


Active Member
Check the trichomes, same method for checking the ripeness of any bud. Thats gonna be like a bowl Maybe two, a big waste of time in my opinion, you could probably pick up a bigger amount than that for $10. If I were you I'd buy some cfls of varying spectrums and pull that sucker inside back on 20/4 or 18/6, or start a whole new plant, which would probably be the best option in my opnion


New Member
I'd wait til the hairs are all all orange, taking the size into consideration....
Nice... uhh plant??
Haha..that is tiny. So, how long in flower?
Lol yeah.. its small.... dont think its possible for it to be any smaller.. I got mixed up on my dates, it germinated around of sept 28th so the plant is 6 in a half weeks old. It started flowering about a month in. So its been flowering just under 2 and half weeks.

How did you manage to grow something so tiny? Looks more like a clone that was cut in flower and never took off.
Planted from seed, currently the season here is 12/12 but lots of rain and not a lot of sun, so I am assuming thats part of the cause..

and pull that sucker inside back on 20/4 or 18/6, or start a whole new plant, which would probably be the best option in my opnion
What would it do? cause it to go back into vegg stage? Idk that you could that so late into flowering without messing it up... I am really new