Did my reasearch, still cant figure it.. PICS


Active Member
Sup guys, my 3 x-planted girls are still lookin like complete ass...not any worse, but most definetely not any better. Still drooping and the tips of the leaves still crispy.

BUT, the one that I didnt x-plant and that i just put under the HPS is doing INSANE!!!! Crazy growth and looking healthier than ever!! And this is still one in the original MG soil. The only change is the Fox Farm nutes that I added and the HPS, I seriously cant believe it. I truly wish I had just left all of them and only introduced the HPS and nutes. But you live and learn right.

Anyhow, I also purchased a humidifier because my humidity was only at 25-30, and now its around 45-50. What is the ideal %?

And if anyone has any ideas on the 3 that I x-planted that still arent doing to hot please feel free to chime in.

Thanks to everyone that has helped out!


Well-Known Member
can ya get some pics up?

The RH now is right. (I tend to run a little low myself)

Maybe a little B1 (superthrive or the like) next watering cycle on them?

If they aren't getting worse, they still have hope.
(I'll dig up a before and after pic of a 'dead' clone)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you fried the leaves.
Leaves musnt be wet when a hps is on them.
Transplanting will not make your plants crumble:blsmoke: