I can only imagine working for $7.25 an hour....scary
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
I've had MANY employees that $7.25 an hour was far more than they were worth. Thinly disguised contempt for the customer, excessive tardiness/absenteeism, theft and lazy as fuckall. Most of them were college students and college grads.
please expand on this thought..
I just wonder what the Republicans are going to be doing for the next 2 years. Promote new ideas, which I doubt, regurgitate old ones, which is likely, or simply spend their time taking apart things that this administration did in the last 6 years that benefited the common man, which is probable. Let's all hope that the Democrats don't act like little girls, and block everything simply because it has a GOP sticker on it. Who knows, maybe the Republicans can come up with an idea that simply doesn't help a few, but the majority of Americans, but I doubt it. The thing that irks me the most though, is that the Republicans are going to say that it will take more than 2 years to fix the damage done by the Obama administration, so reelect us with a Republican president, and we will make things right. The Americans will probably buy into it, forgetting that it was the Republicans that fucked everything up in the 1st place, like income levels for the middle class, fucking up the Middle East, massive meltdown in the financial markets, home foreclosures, outsourcing jobs, and the list goes on, and fucking on. Oh, buy stock in body bag manufacturers, and anything else that makes a bomb or a bullet attached to it, because we are sure as shit we are going back to war in Iraq, which we all know the 1st one was based on LIES told by a Republican administration.
So, the American people have giving the Congress a Republican majority not seen for 50 years. I think there was a good reason for that, and this time, in the 21st century, I think we really fucked ourselves. Go ahead America, count on the Republicans to fix things. Who knows, they might do it for a change (laughter in the background) It will never fucking happen,it never fucking did, and never fucking will as long as Americans buy into Republican propaganda. This is what I believe after watching 50 years of this fucking bullshit.
Cos Warbama has been a foreign policy king and a notable recepient of the Nobel Peace Prize.I just wonder what the Republicans are going to be doing for the next 2 years. Promote new ideas, which I doubt, regurgitate old ones, which is likely, or simply spend their time taking apart things that this administration did in the last 6 years that benefited the common man, which is probable. Let's all hope that the Democrats don't act like little girls, and block everything simply because it has a GOP sticker on it. Who knows, maybe the Republicans can come up with an idea that simply doesn't help a few, but the majority of Americans, but I doubt it. The thing that irks me the most though, is that the Republicans are going to say that it will take more than 2 years to fix the damage done by the Obama administration, so reelect us with a Republican president, and we will make things right. The Americans will probably buy into it, forgetting that it was the Republicans that fucked everything up in the 1st place, like income levels for the middle class, fucking up the Middle East, massive meltdown in the financial markets, home foreclosures, outsourcing jobs, and the list goes on, and fucking on. Oh, buy stock in body bag manufacturers, and anything else that makes a bomb or a bullet attached to it, because we are sure as shit we are going back to war in Iraq, which we all know the 1st one was based on LIES told by a Republican administration.
So, the American people have giving the Congress a Republican majority not seen for 50 years. I think there was a good reason for that, and this time, in the 21st century, I think we really fucked ourselves. Go ahead America, count on the Republicans to fix things. Who knows, they might do it for a change (laughter in the background) It will never fucking happen,it never fucking did, and never fucking will as long as Americans buy into Republican propaganda. This is what I believe after watching 50 years of this fucking bullshit.
I just wonder what the Republicans are going to be doing for the next 2 years. Promote new ideas, which I doubt, regurgitate old ones, which is likely, or simply spend their time taking apart things that this administration did in the last 6 years that benefited the common man, which is probable. Let's all hope that the Democrats don't act like little girls, and block everything simply because it has a GOP sticker on it. Who knows, maybe the Republicans can come up with an idea that simply doesn't help a few, but the majority of Americans, but I doubt it. The thing that irks me the most though, is that the Republicans are going to say that it will take more than 2 years to fix the damage done by the Obama administration, so reelect us with a Republican president, and we will make things right. The Americans will probably buy into it, forgetting that it was the Republicans that fucked everything up in the 1st place, like income levels for the middle class, fucking up the Middle East, massive meltdown in the financial markets, home foreclosures, outsourcing jobs, and the list goes on, and fucking on. Oh, buy stock in body bag manufacturers, and anything else that makes a bomb or a bullet attached to it, because we are sure as shit we are going back to war in Iraq, which we all know the 1st one was based on LIES told by a Republican administration.
So, the American people have giving the Congress a Republican majority not seen for 50 years. I think there was a good reason for that, and this time, in the 21st century, I think we really fucked ourselves. Go ahead America, count on the Republicans to fix things. Who knows, they might do it for a change (laughter in the background) It will never fucking happen,it never fucking did, and never fucking will as long as Americans buy into Republican propaganda. This is what I believe after watching 50 years of this fucking bullshit.
Seems like people arnt celebrating a Republican win, they're celebrating a Democrat loss...
Would I be fairly accurate?
Cos Warbama has been a foreign policy king and a notable recepient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Back in reality , America hasn't looked weaker internationally since the 1930's.
We aren't pretending Doer.
Can't act on Syria, can't act on Iran, can't even bomb the Caliphate effectively.We aren't pretending Doer.
We aren't pretending Doer.
Can't act on Syria, can't act on Iran, can't even bomb the Caliphate effectively.
The Russo-Chinese alliance is by far the worlds only superpower.
Where is our strength at?So, none of the Joint Chiefs have read Sun Tsu, or they even have you fooled?
Stop making excuses Doer, it's hard for you to see from there but the whole rest of the world knows the US is currently weak as fuck.Pride goes before the fall.
Where is our strength at?
Spread out like jelly on the toasted bun of the world.
The only strength the US has is its military, China took over our historical ones.
Where is our strength at?
Spread out like jelly on the toasted bun of the world.
The only strength the US has is its military, China took over our historical ones.