Did these just pollinate? First bag seed grow

I just thoroughly checked these for nanners and white hairs last night with a microscope. Today the top growth looks alot different and I see some white on the leaves. They are 43 days old. 1 found 2 females and one obvious male that I removed. These pics look odd to me compared to what i remember from my 2 fem seed grows.



Well-Known Member
Looks like normal growth to me. Bagseed always seems to show some unexpected results, whether good or bad.
Would you put these into flower at 43 days. These is my 3rd grow. Last was autos so they don't count. 1st was super lemon haze that I scrogged. I am afraid of ow tall they may get. They are way bigger the SLH was at the same point.
Just wondering because some haven't shown there sex.