Did too high EC this?


Never grown anything in bubbler, before.
Plant of the pic is 4 weeks old. PH 5.2, when it raises to 6, i drop it back to 5.2. Using AHH nutrients, 30ml Grow,15ml Bloom and Micro per 20 litres of water. Normally ec had been between 1-1.7
Yesterday i checked the ec, it was 2.7. Looks like plant is shrinking, not so healthy looking anymore.

As a first aid, i chaneged totally new waters and nutrients into reservoir.

And another problem is this another plant, in 10l Bucket with coco and clay pellets.

Too much nitrogen?


thanks in advance :)


Active Member
If "bubbler" is a constant feed type device you are WAY to high with EC. Something under 1 is all you need. Monitor plaon water and change if EC rises. As/if plant recovers you will need to start feeding again. Good luck.