did u fuck up?


Well-Known Member
So i transplanted my biggest plant last night and ripped some roots in the process is that like super bad ? It was becuz the roots were all over the bag it was planted in


Active Member
No man. It's going to be fine. Transplanting is a little shocking no matter what. I'm sure your girl will make a full recovery.


Well-Known Member
No man. It's going to be fine. Transplanting is a little shocking no matter what. I'm sure your girl will make a full recovery.
Ku man thanks ya this grow is alil weird for me iv had so much problems and different shit happen im in flower now with a 3ft and two 8in clones the small one started to show sex way to soon


Active Member
Next time avoid transplanting when your in flower stage, stress = loss of quality and quantity.

When you say your clones started showing too soon, what do you mean? How many days under 12/12 until they started to show sex? Clones show sex way faster then seed starts because that are genetic copies of a sexually mature plant.


Well-Known Member
Next time avoid transplanting when your in flower stage, stress = loss of quality and quantity.

When you say your clones started showing too soon, what do you mean? How many days under 12/12 until they started to show sex? Clones show sex way faster then seed starts because that are genetic copies of a sexually mature plant.
They stared showimg sex 3 weeks into veg! So i just switched them all over at the same time its only been 3 days of 12/12


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm.... that's not good. Any timer issues or hiccups of any other kind?
No everything went.good just a ph problem And lack of ventilation besides that the veg was great i thinks its a auto maybe its supposed to be white rhino but u never really kno


Well-Known Member
It will be fine. I take a sterile blade and cut the roots when I transplant a plant of any kind.
With the exception of certian house plant that don't like it.


Well-Known Member
It will be fine. I take a sterile blade and cut the roots when I transplant a plant of any kind.
With the exception of certian house plant that don't like it.
Thats really good to kno tha.ks ill add that to my books i document everything i do with every strain u kno how it reacts to things i do what it dose and dont like ill remember u can trim roots to transplant


Well-Known Member
And I go to the point of root bound. As longer as you watch them and don't let them droop you are fine. Yes they might slow for a day or 2 but the outcome is worth it. I thought I would clarify that.

For some one new might not want to try it. I grow lots of house plants and take lots of cuttings and root them and give them to people. Lots of practice.


Well-Known Member
At three weeks ur ok. Root pruning spurs new root growth and new feeder roots. Unless the volume of roots lost cant support the top growth...if thats the case ul see wilting right away. The way to fix that is to prune back some of the top growth to create a balance.


Well-Known Member
Sweet deal ya ive been reading about growing for years before i tryed i mean sure it will just grow but i want it to be dank now thats hard work