I dropped out not because of weed, but because I hated high school....I'm a smart guy, not to boast or anything, but I just hated how I got fucking C's because I didn't do any homework or outside of school projects yet got A's and B's on all the tests.....and no I didn't cheat on them lol...oh and I punished the GED...perfect score math and above 750 for the other 3
graduated HS and yeah milk that college for every experience you can..internships in Costa Rica Alaska etc...I waited way too long for school now Ima gray hair going back for an environmental degree in water management..which is totally cool 'cept now the hotties dont see a wall of muscle and brains they see a mid forties guy with gray hair lol....gotta date the momas lol..but most stoners I've known where highly degreed..so screw the myths..