Well-Known Member
So you still work at the same place?
That plant was shut down 20 years ago.
So you still work at the same place?
Oh but same building then?That plant was shut down 20 years ago.
nah fuck that, no guilt there.In all seriousness, I wouldn't feel guilty.
Dude made his own choices and went down his own path.
I think of a couple people I turned on to pot that ended up on worse drugs. I can see how it would bother you.
At the end of the day we all have our own choices to make. Some of us make bad ones.
nah fuck that, no guilt there.
the problem is that drugs WORK
fairly certain nearly anyone can get hooked if the drugs they try are good, one of the reasons i'd never try heroin, cuz i had an issue with opioids after my neuro-surgery..
opioids are just fuckin wonderful.. especially when you are mired in constant pain.
ohhhhhh yes.... and then couple that with the euphoria?
it ain't no accident that there is a massive opioid abuse epidemic in the US
in a perfect world i'd be able to eat me some 40 mg oxies all day long.
in a perfect world.
but we all know that 40mg of oxy ain't gonna feel like a 40 mg for long, then it's 60, then 80
then two 40s but chewing them, then the 60s, then the 80s..
then it's this
"shit, these oxies are expensive, heroin is so much cheaper!"
not to mention having to kick the oxys was a total, total, total fuckin nightmare..
possibly the worst two weeks of my life.
shit i'd take the two weeks directly after my neurosurgery over that, and that's saying a LOT...
speaking from experience, you want lots of fiber, in fruit forms...You got that shit right.
I had a few red 60's a while back.
I cut a quarter of one just to try it. Gave the rest away to a guy with a script and real pain.
That shit makes you feel too good, and then you can't shit right for 2 days.
I'll take a gummy bear any day.
I keep a couple 5mg. around for headaches these days, that's it.
No doubt.nah fuck that, no guilt there.
the problem is that drugs WORK
fairly certain nearly anyone can get hooked if the drugs they try are good, one of the reasons i'd never try heroin, cuz i had an issue with opioids after my neuro-surgery..
opioids are just fuckin wonderful.. especially when you are mired in constant pain.
ohhhhhh yes.... and then couple that with the euphoria?
it ain't no accident that there is a massive opioid abuse epidemic in the US
in a perfect world i'd be able to eat me some 40 mg oxies all day long.
in a perfect world.
but we all know that 40mg of oxy ain't gonna feel like a 40 mg for long, then it's 60, then 80
then two 40s but chewing them, then the 60s, then the 80s..
then it's this
"shit, these oxies are expensive, heroin is so much cheaper!"
not to mention having to kick the oxys was a total, total, total fuckin nightmare..
possibly the worst two weeks of my life.
shit i'd take the two weeks directly after my neurosurgery over that, and that's saying a LOT...
No doubt.
I realized one day that the docs had me on a lot of opiates. I was taking 3-4 short acting and a couple long acting pills a day.
I saw what it was doing to the people around me taking them. I also noticed changes they made in me, my wife did also.
I quit cold turkey and never looked back.
That's what they were doing, making me mean.I had a few once and offered a couple to my electrician buddy.
'fuck no, those things make me mean.'
My electrician buddy is a former bouncer so I'm glad he didn't want them.
Not everybody who gets high wants that shit. Lots of side effects.
I had a few once and offered a couple to my electrician buddy.
'fuck no, those things make me mean.'
My electrician buddy is a former bouncer so I'm glad he didn't want them.
Not everybody who gets high wants that shit. Lots of side effects.
True that, they ( tabs ) make me spoiling fuckin sick , I can't take any of that pain killer shit , probably a good thing, but damn my knees hurt and I could use some relief, I can only assume oxies would be the same I hope I find out.
Yeah, I get them once in a while. Give the big ones away, keep some small ones for the wife. She has more pain than me.
Both have arthritis.
I tolerate it better, I guess. If you move around and do something, get the stiffness out, that helps more than pills.
It had the opposite affect on me. They gave me energy and made me feel 20 again. I can see how people get hooked on them.True that, they ( tabs ) make me spoiling fuckin sick , I can't take any of that pain killer shit , probably a good thing, but damn my knees hurt and I could use some relief, I can only assume oxies would be the same I hope I find out.
It had the opposite affect on me. They gave me energy and made me feel 20 again. I can see how people get hooked on them.
I rarely take them anymore. Last time I had a pain pill was a year or longer ago. I made a thread on it. I broke a collar bone and it healed wrong, preventing proper seating of a gun stock.
Coyotes had been bothering our calves. I had my 12 gauge with magnum rounds. I shouldered the gun wrong on a quick draw and cracked a couple upper ribs and separated the cartilage.
That shit hurt. Every time I took a breath it hurt. I ate pain pills like Skittles the first two weeks.
Dude should be putting out some work like that.I have a coworker that eats em like that ( by eats I mean snorts ), funny thing is he can't control the buzz , he talks non stop and produces no usable work, ohh yeah he eats Adderall all day to top it off. I like the guy but but damn it can be aggravating.