diesel ryder 1st grow journal!


Active Member
My first grow under 125w cfl in a mylar covered cupboard. I'm going to change to a 400w hps at flowering stage! Growing 3 diesel ryders using plain bottled water you'd buy at a shop to feed them, i will use nutes at a later date. 2 6" fans constantly on with another more powerfull 1 for air intake. No exhaust fan though as atm the temp is perfect.
Pics are from seed to day 6. I had to remove the seed off the stem of one of the seedlings myself, and it seems to of recovered well. Guess which one it was lol.


Well-Known Member
uploaded pics never upload in order *shrug*

Put a reflector above that CFL to direct the light down here shortly if you are going to veg under it...you are losing tons of energy up and to the sides by having it vertical with no reflector. you are basically only using like 10% of the lamp at this point...but thats fine in baby seedling stage...but in a week you'll want to start increasing that light to em, so either make a reflector or buy one to get all those lovely beams of light going straight down on the ladies :D


Active Member
Yeah thought so pal. I could just put my 400w hps on a 20/4 after a couple more sets of leaves appear couldnt i?
Hi we8yids with the proper ventilation and watering of the pots you could get easily start using the 400W Hps - I have always had better results using this method of the more light the better during the early stages as it results in stronger, healthier plants. I would at least suggest giving them the 400W Hps for 2 or 3 weeks before the flowering stage to achieve a better result in yield and potency.

If the situation permits, go with the Hps - sooner the better!



Active Member
To be fair guys, i'll proberly change to my 400w when i transplant into my 8.5l autoflowering pots. Which should be within a couple of weeks i persume? Have any of you grown in auto pots?


Active Member
Day 8 and found some slight yellowing on some leaves, problem? I'm thinking off adding some formulex in there next feed. The retard 1 is a SLOW grower compared to the other 2. Also found 1 of my babies literally hanging outside the cup so added more soil!


Active Member
Also would an exhaust fan keep the temp down aswell, because when the 400w hps is on the temp is always high 90s


Active Member
Just a little update. 1st set of proper leaves are turning yellow on my 2 good plants, im thinking because of the temp (86f). Could it be anyting else, maybe i need to transplant? My little retard 1 is also struggling, dont think its due to the heat tho! Can i fix both problems? Think its time to put the exhaust fan on, but it makes too much noise :( anyway to make it quiet IMG_0712.jpgIMG_0709.jpgIMG_0710.jpgIMG_0711.jpgIMG_0713.jpgwithout accoustic duckting?


Active Member
Get your temps below 85 ASAP, if you have to ditch the 400W until you get something figured out. You could pick up a cheap squirrel caged fan from the hardware store that will do the trick. I had some clones growing in a tent that was running 86-90ish, the leaves would turn yellow/white, I got my temps under control and they blew up.


Active Member
I fixed her eventually, pretty sure it was to do with my tap water. Anyways the heating is still a issue with the hps, im using the 125cfl for veg but want to use the hps for flowering, which means i would need to get a tent to be able to control the temp. However i could just stay with the cupboard and cfl, but i would still need to get a red spectrum. Should i get a 300w dual spectrum and 4 85w cfl bulbs or get a tent and use a 400w hps? Here she is now got rid of 2 of them, and cut the bottom leaves off the surviving 1.....

