Diff Size Plants


Active Member
hi everyone new grower here, i have a couple plants that are well over a foot tall and some that are about 6 inches they were started about a week apart(i did this because my germination rate wasnt what i expected, and decided to germinate more to fill the space i have) Just switched to 12/12 and I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on how to utilize the light on the diff size plants will this cause any problems in the near future that a newbie wouldn't foresee? :confused: thanks for any help you can offer!!!



Well-Known Member
the smaller plants aren't big enough to flower very well, they'll probably die if you go into 12/12, and if they don't they won't yield much.


Active Member
really? Ive heard of people doing 12/12 from the beginning of the grow and getting good yield......I may be misinformed tho there is a lot of bullshit on the internet
thanks wilson any more suggestions from anyone else???????

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
I often have plants of different ages, even in the same pot.

For small plants you want to aim for a even canopy of buds, so each gets it's fair share of light.

You can raise the smaller ones up to the same level as the larger, or bend the larger ones over. Or both.


Well-Known Member
put the taller around the outside,the shorter under the light and rotate the outside ones to expose the shaded area every other day.