difference between checking PH in soil & water?


Well-Known Member
Ya of course. Soil isnt as much as important as water. Both can handle high swings but soil is more tolerant. Plants are smart in their rootzone impo and will grab what they want when they want it. The soil, from what ive heard, never tested it, will swing in ph as the water and food goes through it and the zone dries out. Hydro will usually climb in ph as the rez sits with nutrients. Soil probably should be maintained at the proper ph going in, same with hydro, but theres lots of guys that dont worry about either one of them if the ph stays under 8. If you are a new grower its more important to work on not feeding too high and the feed schedule, than ph. A plant in good soil, or kept at the right dose of fertz in hydro, should do just fine if you can dial in the ambient temps to control humidity and temps.
If your having premature yellowing in flower or veg, i wouldnt peg it on ph. Id peg it on improper feeding or some other big user error. If you have questions just ask around in any of the sub forms here. Just post all the details like feed rates, method used with water schedule and seed co that the sprouts came to be. Lights used, distance from top shootsd ect... Someone can probably steer ya in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Is there a difference between checking the PH of water vs checking the PH of the soil?
are you using synthetic nutrients/chemicals?
or organic?
if in organics you typically don't need to, provided the soil mix is assembled correctly.
in hydro grows its much different, personally I don't see the need for soil in hydro grows, nor do I see the need for chems in soil grows, they have their places respectively