Depends where you are. Most places have the smart meters now so no person ever sees anything. Its all automated by computer now. As long as you pay your bill they dont give a shit. I know some places where the majority of the town, their electric bill is higher than their rent. Wink wink.
The difference between 600 and 1000. If you run same bulb, same strain, same nutes , not much. Just more cost to buy and run 1000, more heat, more coverage. Otherwise same performance because bulbs have same spectrum. When I used to have a 400. The plants directly under the 400 would produce same size buds as the plants directly under the 1000. Using hortilux on both. I stopped using hid. Its backwards prehistoric technology. If I ever did hid again, I would rather run a bunch of 400 's . Less heat. Rock hortilux blue mh for flower. That bulb has the best spectrum of any hid.