Different CFLs in Combo


Active Member
when it comes to heat imo it really seems to differ by brand or something like that. ive had 23w that i could touch all day and not get burned and ive also had ones in the same exact area with identical conditions in the grow that just bumping the bulb burns me.
Def agree here. Every bulb is built differently with different qualities. Some are even different sizes when the same wattage. No two bulbs are alike.

i have 3 23w cfls and one 13w cfl and my box really heats up alot i have 2 pc fans for venting and it gets up to 93 some days i tihnk im gonna pick up atleast one more pc fan today to get more hot air out of there
You got some ventilation issues. I have a 35 g rubbermaid with 7 -had 8- ranging from 23-30 w for a total of 210 watts and mine peaked at 90 aftering some ventilation experiments. usually it hovers around 80 +/- 3 or 4 (it has been a bitch to get it there though, dont get me wrong. i feel your pain)


Active Member
All I use are 4 x 26 watt 2700k CFL's for flowering, and 6500k CFL's for vegging, it's working out fine.
So you flower with 105w and it does great? So what type of weight are you pulling from one plant with that low of a wattage?


Well-Known Member
I dont sweat my leaves touching/getting close to the 23W, but the 42W will scorch em fairly quickly.
Good info, thanks. I also have noticed I have gotten my leaves very close to the 23 watters as well with no burnage...Got to love cfls in that regard.

when it comes to heat imo it really seems to differ by brand or something like that. ive had 23w that i could touch all day and not get burned and ive also had ones in the same exact area with identical conditions in the grow that just bumping the bulb burns me.
Interesting, I'll have to check that out as I have a couple of different brands. This could actually help someone get their temps down perhaps.


Well-Known Member
How big is your box?
I sure hope the person ya asked this is a Guy . Otherwise ya might be treadin on thin ice with Sexual Harassment in asking personal questions on a persons Box Size . But then again look at all the spam emails we all get sayin how Size Does Matter ,,,:leaf::shock: