different drying techniques


looking for different drying techniques.
from quick drying for the impatient growers to the long proper dry that takes about 4 - 6 weeks.

share your drying techniques.
lets see how many drying techniques we can come up with


Well-Known Member
quick dry in the oven, toaster, stove... long dry for me is leave it on the shelf for 5-7 days then put in a jar. I usually make oil out of all the little stuff though, and hang it for a few days before jarring


Well-Known Member
I hang dry for 3-4 days and then jar everything. From there its about a week or more of juggling the lids off and on, depending on how moist or dry the bud feels.


Well-Known Member
I hang to dry for about 15 to 30 days, until it's really dry (here in the humid tropic it's always about patience). I never jar other than for keeping, it never lasts enough to properly cure it for a long season :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Quick Dry - Toss a few buds on top of the Grow light reflector or the xbox vent.

Normal Dry - I use the mesh drying racks for a few days (Until stem snaps) and then put in glass opening the lids as needed. and just smoke it whenever...


Active Member
Im gonna hang dry for 5 days then trim and let cure in the freezer for 2 we3ks. When done im gonna open tge jar a burb for a day then back to the freezer till i need the zip to smoke.


Active Member
Temp plays a small role its the amout of humidy and the density that plays the biggest roles. But i got to correct my past post. Im gonna dry for 15 days them cure in the freezer.


so cooler temps dont matter a whole lot. which is good since ill be drying outside in an old camper so it will be cold in there but dark


Well-Known Member
looking for different drying techniques.
from quick drying for the impatient growers to the long proper dry that takes about 4 - 6 weeks.

share your drying techniques.
lets see how many drying techniques we can come up with
Just tape the buds to your HPS or MH bulbs and you'll be ready to smoke in 5 minutes.
Don't forget to scrape off the resin left on the bulb, it's the best part.


how well would drying outside in the open work? like hanging your buds on a clothes line? what are the chances of getting mold when hanging outside on a clothes line?


Active Member
how well would drying outside in the open work? like hanging your buds on a clothes line? what are the chances of getting mold when hanging outside on a clothes line?
I'd worry more about people thieving it and the police then i would be about mold. Drying outside on a clothes line :roll:.

As for the mold factor depends on if it rains cause ya know then it wouldnt dry and just rot, also climate.. humidity and temperature play a role.


where i live i dont have to worry about people trying to steal my bud or the pigs coming around here.
no one dares to walk around in the mountains here at night with all the bear, coyotes, cougars, wolves and shit like that roaming the mountains


Active Member
where i live i dont have to worry about people trying to steal my bud or the pigs coming around here.
no one dares to walk around in the mountains here at night with all the bear, coyotes, cougars, wolves and shit like that roaming the mountains
Why can't you just make a little spot inside your home for it?

Its not like anyones gonna come around and bust you ^^


i would dry it in my place but i rather not stink out the whole house. but i do have an old camper out back in the bush


Active Member
i would dry it in my place but i rather not stink out the whole house. but i do have an old camper out back in the bush
should be fine if its a little cold just takes longer to dry. Whats the humidity i'd suggest 50-55% give or take. Else youll have a shit show on your hands.


i dont dry inside cuz i dont really want to stink up the whole house. if i have someone come over who doesnt agree with weed and smells it throughout the house i rather not have to listen to them bitch about it all so i rather play it safe and dry outside rather than in my house