Different grow space questions


New Member
I was running a 12x14 room grow, but now I have moved and have to run a tent.48x36x72 2- in-1. Question is my carbon filter is too big for that space, so can’t hang it. Can I dial it down and put it outside with my fan pulling CO2 down through my canopy and out the bottom vent? It’s a 10” filter and 3’long. Hanging it is not an option and upright is gonna take away a plant. Not new to this but I usually hang my fan and filters.
I personally wouldn’t bother with cO2 unless you are running a sealed tent. Otherwise you’re just exhausting the cO2 right out of the tent. That’s why having a room to work with is ideal for cO2. Having your carbon works outside just as good as it does inside. Just depends on your set up.