Different methods used to make kief?


Well-Known Member
What are the differents methods that people use to make kief?

Is there a machine that does it for you?

Just wondering because i want to use my trimmings and the buds that worms have damaged from this years outdoor harvest to make kief.

And if you're after kief then just get a screen of the right micron whatnot and sift away. Plenty of info if you jut search for it ;)
Pretty much. you can get the powder and press it to make it easier to handle.

I saw a thread on here where a guy made a diy deal. He made a wheel with a screen and tumbled the stuff.
Pretty cool.
google pollinator

or make one from a BBQ rotisserie that's what I did.

Pick up a copy of High Times there are at least 10 in there.
yo shame on you guys when people come to this site dont tell them to google somthing ..when they do thell probley get this thread which tells them to google somthing right ...google it for them if you must but knowlege is power and power is meant to be shared ...
There are lots of great resources for learning to make hash.
Here is the one that you can do without buying anything...

Put dry shake, ice and water in a container and stir/shake for 5 minutes.
pour this mixture through a kitchen strainer, the finer the better. put the strained liquid in clear glass bowls, put it in the freezer till it ices over a little.
The trichomes will settle to the bottom and the veggie shit tends to float. siphon off the water, and leave behind the layer of trichomes on the bottom of the bowl.
whats left is hash. :)

other ways include bubble bags, silk screens, dry ice and bubble bags, etc. Its all about getting those trichomes off of the shake, and separated. They are tiny, and they sink. People like to keep the weed really cold while doing these methods, it helps the trichomes to stay hard... not gooey.
Thanks for all the tips. Im lookin to make dry kief not bubble hash.

Anybody have any experience with the pollinator?

Is it worth all that $$$
Thanks for all the tips. Im lookin to make dry kief not bubble hash.

Anybody have any experience with the pollinator?

Is it worth all that $$$
i used ot have a tumbler made with wood dowels, silkscreen and a motor from a RC car...i think its what Woodsman is talkin about with the BBQ rotisserie thang.

picture in your mind a lil washing machine type of fuckin thing , it jus tumbles the buds and the trichs fall off in the lil collection area
What are the differents methods that people use to make kief?

Is there a machine that does it for you?

Just wondering because i want to use my trimmings and the buds that worms have damaged from this years outdoor harvest to make kief.

ive got a thread on making five minute finger hash and you can still smoke your trimmings/buds in other words it doesn't damage your shit what so ever all you need is a pot and a heat source preferably an oven top here it is man ... https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/459342-5-minute-finger-hash.html

you can make them for around $150 if you have the know how, carpentry and electrical skills. if not is is definatly worth the $350.

my friend has one he made. we can fill it with 1/2 LB of trim and close it up, spin it and have a beer. come back and there is a SHITTONNE of keif in the bottom of the box.

i've watched him make $3500 in hash in one day. its Definitely worth the $350.
If you're a purest here you go..... Charas


seen that before it looks awesome would be honored to smoke some straight from india.

im looking for kief though not any other kinds of hash.

thanks corbat 420 i'm probalby gonna order that, dont think i cant construct something like that unless someone has step by step instructions lol.