Different ways to light

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
I want to find a new way to ignite my buds. After seeing the herb iron in action, a lighter is getting sort of old to me and I've also heard that some of the different canabinoids activate when burned at slightly lower temperatures, which I would like to experiment with. I saw one video of someone using what looked like a glass drink mixer like this: mixer.jpg heated up on the end. I was wondering if this would really work if I used a torch lighter to get it hot enough.

I don't want to spend $70 on a H.I., there must be a free/low cost alternative right?


Well-Known Member

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info dam. Just to clarify though, would a small torch lighter that you can buy at a convienience store have the same effect as the ones in those links?
And yes I've been meaning to try the solar toke, but it's 9:30pm here right now lol


Well-Known Member
you need to get the glass rod red hot to have good effects, a torch lighter will work but keeping its lit so long might mess up the lighter (unless its a real nice cigar one). your going to be going through a shit load of butane. imo ide get a propane torch setup like i posted(20$ from lowes and target/cvs). gave the same advice to someone earlier today. happy toking.


Well-Known Member
Damn, never tried smoking with a glass rod before. Is it worth the effort of keeping a damn propane torch set up near by at all times? How long does it stay hot enough to smoke with? Personally I love my bee-line, so it'd be hard to convince me otherwise but I definitely want to try it out.

moon skins

Me and my friends use those glass wands to vaporize hash. It's definitely a good way to smoke, i'd recommend it. Just get a butane torch, a nice bong, heat up the wand, and then dab the hash. mhmmm bongsmilie

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Just found this; it's a mini torch meant for backpacking/camping, and it's only $20!


Think I may send out for one of these :-)