Diffusing essential oils to prevent bud rot


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else do this?

Ive been doing it a few runs now and never had any rot since I started.

This last run I just finished I really put a lot of trust into my diffuser and I didn’t prune any leaves off my bushy plants. Hundreds of leaves overlapping I just let them go.

Just finished the chop and not a single bit of mold.

I’m interested to hear others experiences as I’m tempted to try drying very slowly with humidity 65% and using a sealed room with no extraction if I can stop all bud rot with my diffuser
What about residual taste and smell in the weed? I keep thinking of ONA Gel and dryer sheets.
What about residual taste and smell in the weed? I keep thinking of ONA Gel and dryer sheets.

I don’t taste anything different in my weed or smell. I did a test once and put like 20 drops of lavender oil on a cotton ball and put it in a bucket of curing buds. 20 drops is a shit ton... like 10 pounds of lavender or something to make that and after 24 hours there was a tiny hint of it but the smell of weed massively over powers it.

Now imagine less than that cotton balls worth in your large room. And the essential oils destroy themselves when they attach and kill bacteria. You dial in the machine so that you use less of it, just enough to kill the bacteria that enters the room.

I’m at 5 seconds on 220 seconds off 24 hours a day atm but I think I could probably turn that down to 5 seconds on 220 seconds off and only run that cycle for an hour twice a day tbh

I’d imagine if you had subpar weed that didn’t taste or smell for shit then the oils will come through and you’d notice it but if you have good stuff then the little bit of oil is going to be nothing compared to the oils your cured buds contain.

I’m going to stop using pool shock or bennies in my res when I rebuild my system to flood and drain over Christmas as I think there cannot be any root rot in the water based on the same principal.

If my grow room air is sterile , tap water originally contains less than 5ppm chlorine to keep the water sterile so there is no way for bacteria to enter my res water to cause root rot
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tap water originally contains less than 5ppm chlorine to keep the water sterile so there is no way for bacteria to enter my res water to cause root rot

Years back when I was doing flood and drain. I'd add Clorox bleach to my reservoirs to keep them sterile. Just around 4 - 5 ppm but I never got root rot and it didn't effect the plants at all.
I was hoping more people would chime in about my thoughts on curing with the sealed sterile room.

I’m not completely clued up on the science behind curing.

I think I read once that during curing bacteria break down chlorophyll so if that’s true we don’t want a sterile environment