DIG IT!! TOOL Is The Best Band On The Planet


Well-Known Member
Here's more from Joshua Tree.......


Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I saw them on the 10,000 Days tour. Best show I've seen ever. And I got to meet Justin and get his autograph. I missed meeting Adam by about 5 minutes. It pays to hang around the back of the arena after the show.


Well-Known Member
Best band on the planet...


Best American band?


Most fun to see live?

Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney.


Tool is a constant contradiction,
and the following is as well,

What kind of mosh happens at a tool show?


Im driving in my truck, chillin as fuck
Jammin some tunes on the XM/Syrius satelite
And then a gay ass song comes on....
Fuck!! what the hell is this retarded shit?!?! Oh No!! its radiohead!!!
Now I have to change the channel and find something good..... what a hassle

Life would be much better without radiohead


Well-Known Member
I'm not the biggest fan either...

But they are the overwhelming favorite.

That's quite homosexual that Tool actively and vigorously enforces a no tolerance policy on sound and light waves. To bad really. Do they really think that they own the experience like that?

I find it hard to appreciate artists who love themselves that much.

- Nice use of samsquamch riznod.


Well-Known Member

Im driving in my truck, chillin as fuck
Jammin some tunes on the XM/Syrius satelite
And then a gay ass song comes on....
Fuck!! what the hell is this retarded shit?!?! Oh No!! its radiohead!!!
Now I have to change the channel and find something good..... what a hassle

Life would be much better without radiohead
ahhhhhh the world would be better without radiohead.
i'd poop in tool's tuba too


Well-Known Member
I just find it hard to rock out to a double bass drum.

I just don't know whats wrong with me.


I think two of the best live shows I have ever attended have been Tool and NIN. I'd give anything to see them both again. Long time Tool fan here, since around Undertow.


Active Member
Hell ya TooL rules!! will b cing them at Lolla in a few weeks, Radio head is kool 2 i saw them at Lolla last year and they were good or was it the weed...mmmm


Well-Known Member
Hell ya TooL rules!! will b cing them at Lolla in a few weeks, Radio head is kool 2 i saw them at Lolla last year and they were good or was it the weed...mmmm
Must have been the weed bro!! I believe all forms of music are valid, and have a place. For instance, if you need to go to sleep, lower your blood pressure, or induce vomiting, voila, Radiohead!!

And please people, stop putting links to retarded bands on here. I don't want that crap on my thread!! Sure, lots of bands play faster, harder, louder than Tool, but they also all suck henious ass compared to Tool. I don't need to hear some punk ass yellin' a bunch of gutteral shouts and grunts, tryin to be hard. It's like, go take a dump already, come back, and maybe, just maybe, make some music with your voice, not just RETARDED sounds. Please people! This was supposed to be serious!! Hahahaha:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Ok yes tool is an amazing band, but WTF... the set lists they are playing on this tour, is basically the same as the last 3. so far there have been no songs played that havent been played before, on the previous 10000 days tours. im disappointed :( .


Well-Known Member
Sorry I've been gone for awhile, I've been busy:weed:. So I'm just gonna stir the pot and respond to all the recent responses like this......If you were agreeing with me, then you obviously know what the fuck, and for those of you that didn't agree with me, YOU SUCK!!!!!! :fire:Hahahahahaha Yeah, I'm really laughin!!!! Go to Costco and buy one of them big ass boxes of Q-Tips, then use 'em all!!! Hahahaha......whatever.:twisted:

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
the week leading up to the show is always torture. I start having nightmares

Last night i had a dream i was at the show and the guy checking tickets wouldnt let me take my jacket (dont know why i would have a jacket in august anyway?)so i had to go back and put it in my car. Of course they start playing and i can hear it so i run back in and they take us to our seats and they suck. The seats are waaaay up and actually around a corner so i cant see shit.

Finally i sneak down to were i can almost see and i try to roll a joint but the papers keep rippin or the weeds goin everywhere. And then a cop sees me and i end up missing the whole show.

As bad as that dream was the worst part was waking up and realizing how fucking humid and sticky it was and then i couldnt go back to sleep. I only had one A/C and its used to cool my growroom.

Hopefully this is the last of these dreams until the show sunday. If not then I wont be getting any sleep any time soon.

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
Ok so the show was last night and to sum it up for you Maynard fucking sucks, he is an absolute douche! They showed up about an hour late complaining about traffic or whatever. Well if you gotta go from NJ to NH in a day fucking fly dipshit. So They opened with jambi and eveything was goin good maynard seemed into it and was dancing around swingin the cowbaoy hat and such. Then stinkfist, and his performance went right down the shitter from then on. Everytime a song would get heavy and require him to yell he would just hold out the mic for us to sing. ( I hear that in my car everyday no need for me to drive 2hrs and pay $65)

Then the biggest fucking slap in our face of the night, Rosetta stoned. One of my favorite songs.
Now if your gonna sit down and write a song with an opening like that then you had better be able to sing it. Instead he just fucking mumbled a buch of who knows what. Think he said something about micheal jackson. Just completely an unacceptable performance. Worst i have ever seen of tool. A complete waste of my time and i wish i had my money back. Maynard is no longer in tool he is just a fucking puppet. He just shows up to stand there motionless and barely make a peep the whole show. COmpletely all about the money now and has no other motivation. I lost a ton of respect for the man last night and i wish i had the chance to tell him in person. I give the show a 4 out of 10!

If you holding tickets to see them this tour cross your fingers and hope that he doesnt pull his whiney bitch BS in your town. But from reading all the reviews he probably will.

IS this the future of tool?

On the other hand the rest of the band was great and they just need to have a talk with maynard and or get a new singer.

Oh ya and my seats were on the aisle and i only got to smoke half a bone and security made me put it out. So the other 5 in my pocket never got lit either.



Well-Known Member
Ok so the show was last night and to sum it up for you Maynard fucking sucks, he is an absolute douche! They showed up about an hour late complaining about traffic or whatever. Well if you gotta go from NJ to NH in a day fucking fly dipshit. So They opened with jambi and eveything was goin good maynard seemed into it and was dancing around swingin the cowbaoy hat and such. Then stinkfist, and his performance went right down the shitter from then on. Everytime a song would get heavy and require him to yell he would just hold out the mic for us to sing. ( I hear that in my car everyday no need for me to drive 2hrs and pay $65)

Then the biggest fucking slap in our face of the night, Rosetta stoned. One of my favorite songs.
Now if your gonna sit down and write a song with an opening like that then you had better be able to sing it. Instead he just fucking mumbled a buch of who knows what. Think he said something about micheal jackson. Just completely an unacceptable performance. Worst i have ever seen of tool. A complete waste of my time and i wish i had my money back. Maynard is no longer in tool he is just a fucking puppet. He just shows up to stand there motionless and barely make a peep the whole show. COmpletely all about the money now and has no other motivation. I lost a ton of respect for the man last night and i wish i had the chance to tell him in person. I give the show a 4 out of 10!

If you holding tickets to see them this tour cross your fingers and hope that he doesnt pull his whiney bitch BS in your town. But from reading all the reviews he probably will.

IS this the future of tool?

On the other hand the rest of the band was great and they just need to have a talk with maynard and or get a new singer.

Oh ya and my seats were on the aisle and i only got to smoke half a bone and security made me put it out. So the other 5 in my pocket never got lit either.

Damn bro, I don't know what to say. Sucky shit for sure. Maybe his voice was strained or maybe just sand in his vaj. I know as he gets older he's toned down his performance somewhat, and moved further and further back on the stage, but it was still the shit last time I saw them. Hmmm. Well if they sell out and go down the shitter, i'll have to rescind my opening sentiment. Did they play any new material? It's been a couple years since 10,000 Days, so they should have some. You'd think they would use this tour as a testing ground for a new song or two. I remember seeing Metallica in '88 @ the Monster's Of Rock tour w/ Van Halen and they played Harvester Of Sorrow from Justice before it was released, asked our opinion of it an' everything. It was pretty cool.

Well, until I see a better live band, or hear someone put out some music that moves me as much as Tool, I will hold to my original statement.


meh all of tools songs sound the same... I would say metallica is the best band on the planet.
^Yeah, I definately agree with GrowTech on that. I don't see what's so great about Tool... They seem like an overhyped band to me. For me, old bands I like are Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Testament. As for the newer bands, I would say Trivium, In Flames, and Bullet For My Valentine. As for guitar virtuosos, I would say Joe Satriani and Michael Angelo Batio. At the moment, I'm liking Faith No More a lot.