digital timer


Well-Known Member
any one running a digital timer? ill get a pic up ina few seconds but when i first set it i set it to 18/6, it has a thing for like monday tuesday wednesday ect, threw out the sheet that came with it, and now its bitting me in the butt.


Active Member
I have something similar but not exactly the sameIMAG0081.jpg. Could take a pic of the manual and send it to you, although it wasn't exactly straightforward if I'm meant to be honest


Well-Known Member
I use a digital timer and once you set the time for 18 on, 6 off you have to program it to run Monday thru Sunday of it will only run on the day you set it. Hope this helps.

match box

Well-Known Member
What Dee Tee said I had the same prob. It took me awhile but know I won't forget and you won't either. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I know I have to set it for everyday. I just need to find out how to set it to 12 12. Ill figuee it out once I mess with it.