digital timers?

General Kush

Active Member
okay so im looking for a digital light and fan timer that would power everything off and on at any time i please. I have a few questions...
1. can i use a digital light timer, plug a 3 way into it and plug in my lights, and fan even though its a digital light timer...something like this 1 -

also my grow is suppose to be stealth i kind of can't buy anything off the internet cus i dont have a credit card so if anyone has suggestions where i can get digital light - and fan or anything timers that plug in 120w + at local stores such as ace hardware - home depot - walmart - target - and any other local hardware store where i could get a digital timer....

thank you for all posts and help because,
I AM NOT STARTING THIS GROW until i get 1 of these timers because i will be taking classes and doing work and won't go through changing light cycles every day and stress the shit out of them...that's why i need 1. THANKS


home depot will have much of what you need, i use a intermatic dual outdoor timer its black with 2 plug holes it works very well never had a problem cost me 20 bucks at the depot


Well-Known Member
The only problem I'd see with trying to run everything off of 1 is an overload. The one in your link won't handle more than 500w, by the look of it. Just get more than 1.

You can buy them at Home Depot or other places like that. You will probably have to look in the gardening section for outdoor light timers. They my have them in the lighting section as well.